Does anyone know if there are some development to ease the use of Blu-Ray on linux to watch films?
I bought a Blu-Ray player recently and I have obviously been totally ignorant to the fact that there are codec issues involved, I just thought it would work as any DVD. Silly me!
I did a test with a software called MakeMKV but struggled with having it running, and in any case it would be much more convenient to just use MPlayer, VLC, Xine etc. if possible.
Whilst “makemkv” crashes at the end of the rip (no file), streaming (using makemkv as the backend) works.
# Cross-Platform Blu-ray Playback Script
# Release 1.0
# Depends on having curl, MakeMKV and VLC installed.
# Revision History:
# 05-OCT-2010: Initial release.
# Is this a Mac?
if `uname` == "Darwin" ]; then
# Make sure we're not already decoding a disc.
killall makemkvcon
# Start streaming the first Blu-ray drive we find.
${MKVPATH}makemkvcon --upnp=1 --cache=128 stream disc:0 &
# Wait for the streaming server to be ready.
while $RESULT != 0 ]; do
curl -f http://localhost:51000 -o /dev/null 2> /dev/null
sleep 1
# Handle timeouts so we don't leave orphan makemkvcon tasks running.
(( COUNT=${COUNT} + 1 ))
if ${COUNT} == 60 ]; then
killall makemkvcon
exit 1
# Tell VLC to play the first title of the disc.
${VLCPATH}vlc http://localhost:51000/stream/title0.ts
# Shut down MakeMKV after VLC closes.
killall makemkvcon
You can change VLC to smplayer, works as well. You need to start the above code in a “Konsole” window.
I do not know if the latest version of “makemkv” supports BD+ encoding. need to go to the makemkv website to find out.
What would be nice if a friendly soul could enhance the above code to allow interactively select the file and audio file.