been having some issues and spend 2 days trying to figure out this and first thought my nvidia isint loaded, but drivers are installed, MOK is signed, Nvidia-smi shows nvidia, glxinfo shows OpenGL as intel, prime-select is set to offload and modules loaded and htop shows both cards so that seems not be driver issue since on my side nvidia is loaded and working, but Blender on RPM install wont detect cuda even cuda tools are installed
any ideas how to fix? or re-install all downloading now the cuda toolkit, but that is version 12.5.1_555.42.06 and tumbleweed i have 550.90.07 and cuda 12.4
also hows the open drivers? i dont play on this laptop as physical i run steam just to buy games and games i play is done from cloud streaming. open drivers has cuda packages done already so it might be good switch, but never used open ones so do i still need to sign everyhting to kernel
Fixed the blender no cuda removing all propriatery nvidia and installed open nvidia drivers with cuda atleast now i can run blender and cuda still some libraries is missing when checking the script
phatle@tumbleweed:~/Documents> ./ -> -> -> ->
libcuda is installed ->
libcudart is installed
ERROR: libnccl is NOT installed
ERROR: libcudnn is NOT installed
./ line 14: nvcc: command not found
Last time I used the blender rpm version, I installed the cuda from nvidia site.
I haven’t done it for years so not really sure if what the op did was enough for blender to recognize cuda. I am using the blender .tar.xz now, less hassle for cuda because it’s built-in in the .tar.xz installer.
Blender works on my system rpm needs cuda files etc to be installed, but easy way is just install normal drivers with compute and use Flatpak version and then all done.
On my current daily AEON I haven’t installed cuda just transactional-update -i pkg in nvidia-drivers-G06 nvidia-driver-G06-kmp-default nvidia-video-G06 nvidia-gl-G06 nvidia-compute-G06
Flatpaks works, cuda works, blender works, openCL works