Blender opencl, I need the propertairy drivers?

It is necessary to logout/login for group changes taking effect for the currently logged-in user, a reboot is not required though (but works as well).

Thank you.

I just posted in the chit chat section my first video rendered in Blender. :slight_smile:

The 4m50 video, took about about 4 hours to render.

Now I will install that opencl driver part, and I can compare how much this speeds things up.

I also noticed my pc being very responsive while rendering, and when I used a few googled commands, top and 1, I noticed all 6 cores and 6 threads being used, although only at 25 %.

More stuff to investigate, I don’t expect all cores at 100% but 25 % seems a bit low.
Looks like there is room for improvement.

This does proof how well Linux is at multitasking.

No lucky yet, blender still does not want to use opencl.

I suspect this says it all ?

Number of platforms         0

Likely blender…

pinxi -GSxxz

System:    Kernel: 5.7.7-1-default x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 10.1.1 Desktop: GNOME 3.36.4 tk: GTK 3.24.21 
           wm: gnome-shell dm: GDM Distro: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20200717 
Graphics:  Device-1: Intel Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics driver: i915 v: kernel bus ID: 00:02.0 
           chip ID: 8086:016a 
           Device-2: NVIDIA GK208B [GeForce GT 710] vendor: ZOTAC driver: nvidia v: 450.57 bus ID: 02:00.0 chip ID: 10de:128b 
           Device-3: NVIDIA GK208B [GeForce GT 710] vendor: ZOTAC driver: nvidia v: 450.57 bus ID: 05:00.0 chip ID: 10de:128b 
           Device-4: NVIDIA GK208B [GeForce GT 710] vendor: ZOTAC driver: nvidia v: 450.57 bus ID: 06:00.0 chip ID: 10de:128b 
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.8 compositor: gnome-shell driver: modesetting,nvidia unloaded: fbdev,vesa 
           alternate: intel,nouveau,nv resolution: 1: 1920x1080~60Hz 2: 1920x1080 s-dpi: 96 
           OpenGL: renderer: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics P4000 (IVB GT2) v: 4.2 Mesa 20.1.2 compat-v: 3.0 direct render: Yes 

clinfo |egrep "platforms |devices"

Number of platforms                               1
Number of devices                                 3
    Max number of sub-devices                     1
    Max number of sub-devices                     1
    Max number of sub-devices                     1

You mean blender is the problem ?

I am going over the rocm topic linked in this one, to see if I forgot something.

guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.3.0/bin/rocminfo
bash: /opt/rocm-3.3.0/bin/rocminfo: No such file or directory
guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.3.0/opencl/bin/x86_64/clinfo
bash: /opt/rocm-3.3.0/opencl/bin/x86_64/clinfo: No such file or directory

I wonder if I installed the wrong packages.

I installed rocm-opencl but there is also rocm-opencl-dev3.5.0

Looking at the no such file or directory that could be the problem.

Gonna try it, and if it fails, I might install Blender on windows 10 too to see if I have the same problem there.

guus@linux-2ls4:~> groups
users video
guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.3.0/bin/rocminfo
bash: /opt/rocm-3.3.0/bin/rocminfo: No such file or directory
guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.5.0/bin/rocminfo 
ROCk module is loaded
Able to open /dev/kfd read-write
HSA System Attributes    
Runtime Version:         1.1
System Timestamp Freq.:  1000.000000MHz
Sig. Max Wait Duration:  18446744073709551615 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) (timestamp count)
Machine Model:           LARGE                              
System Endianness:       LITTLE                             

HSA Agents               
Agent 1                  
  Name:                    AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor
  Uuid:                    CPU-XX                             
  Marketing Name:          AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor
  Vendor Name:             CPU                                
  Feature:                 None specified                     
  Profile:                 FULL_PROFILE                       
  Float Round Mode:        NEAR                               
  Max Queue Number:        0(0x0)                             
  Queue Min Size:          0(0x0)                             
  Queue Max Size:          0(0x0)                             
  Queue Type:              MULTI                              
  Node:                    0                                  
  Device Type:             CPU                                
  Cache Info:              
    L1:                      32768(0x8000) KB                   
  Chip ID:                 0(0x0)                             
  Cacheline Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Max Clock Freq. (MHz):   3400                               
  BDFID:                   0                                  
  Internal Node ID:        0                                  
  Compute Unit:            12                                 
  SIMDs per CU:            0                                  
  Shader Engines:          0                                  
  Shader Arrs. per Eng.:   0                                  
  WatchPts on Addr. Ranges:1                                  
  Features:                None
  Pool Info:               
    Pool 1                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: KERNARG, FINE GRAINED
      Size:                    16308124(0xf8d79c) KB              
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       TRUE                               
    Pool 2                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: COARSE GRAINED      
      Size:                    16308124(0xf8d79c) KB              
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       TRUE                               
  ISA Info:                
Agent 2                  
  Name:                    gfx803                             
  Uuid:                    GPU-XX                             
  Marketing Name:          Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
  Vendor Name:             AMD                                
  Feature:                 KERNEL_DISPATCH                    
  Profile:                 BASE_PROFILE                       
  Float Round Mode:        NEAR                               
  Max Queue Number:        128(0x80)                          
  Queue Min Size:          4096(0x1000)                       
  Queue Max Size:          131072(0x20000)                    
  Queue Type:              MULTI                              
  Node:                    1                                  
  Device Type:             GPU                                
  Cache Info:              
    L1:                      16(0x10) KB                        
  Chip ID:                 26591(0x67df)                      
  Cacheline Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Max Clock Freq. (MHz):   1268                               
  BDFID:                   1536                               
  Internal Node ID:        1                                  
  Compute Unit:            32                                 
  SIMDs per CU:            4                                  
  Shader Engines:          4                                  
  Shader Arrs. per Eng.:   1                                  
  WatchPts on Addr. Ranges:4                                  
  Features:                KERNEL_DISPATCH 
  Fast F16 Operation:      FALSE                              
  Wavefront Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Workgroup Max Size:      1024(0x400)                        
  Workgroup Max Size per Dimension:
    x                        1024(0x400)                        
    y                        1024(0x400)                        
    z                        1024(0x400)                        
  Max Waves Per CU:        40(0x28)                           
  Max Work-item Per CU:    2560(0xa00)                        
  Grid Max Size:           4294967295(0xffffffff)             
  Grid Max Size per Dimension:
    x                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
    y                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
    z                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
  Max fbarriers/Workgrp:   32                                 
  Pool Info:               
    Pool 1                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: COARSE GRAINED      
      Size:                    4194304(0x400000) KB               
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       FALSE                              
    Pool 2                   
      Segment:                 GROUP                              
      Size:                    64(0x40) KB                        
      Allocatable:             FALSE                              
      Alloc Granule:           0KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         0KB                                
      Accessible by all:       FALSE                              
  ISA Info:                
    ISA 1                    
      Name:                    amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx803          
      Machine Models:          HSA_MACHINE_MODEL_LARGE            
      Profiles:                HSA_PROFILE_BASE                   
      Default Rounding Mode:   NEAR                               
      Default Rounding Mode:   NEAR                               
      Fast f16:                TRUE                               
      Workgroup Max Size:      1024(0x400)                        
      Workgroup Max Size per Dimension:
        x                        1024(0x400)                        
        y                        1024(0x400)                        
        z                        1024(0x400)                        
      Grid Max Size:           4294967295(0xffffffff)             
      Grid Max Size per Dimension:
        x                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
        y                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
        z                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
      FBarrier Max Size:       32                                 
*** Done ***             
guus@linux-2ls4:~> clinfo
Number of platforms                               0

I just installed Blender on windows 10, there opencl is available, so that rules out my hardware.

I also checked if I am a member of the group video and I am.

I had to install clpeak.

Been reading the arch wiki.

I might have to change some kernel settings, but I am not sure I wanna go that far.

The changes I made up-till now, I can easily undo.

My machine with ROCm:

Number of platforms                               1
  Platform Name                                   AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
  Platform Vendor                                 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  Platform Version                                OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3098.0)
  Platform Profile                                FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Extensions                             cl_khr_icd cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offline_devices 
  Platform Host timer resolution                  1ns
  Platform Extensions function suffix             AMD

Verify your installation. You have no OpenCL platform right now.

guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.3.0/bin/rocminfo
bash: /opt/rocm-3.3.0/bin/rocminfo: No such file or directory
guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.3.0/opencl/bin/x86_64/clinfo
bash: /opt/rocm-3.3.0/opencl/bin/x86_64/clinfo: No such file or directory

If you installed ROCm 3.5.0, why you are trying to use paths for 3.3.0?

And look at this: /dev/kfd has the wrong permissions · Issue #36 · ROCm/ROCT-Thunk-Interface · GitHub

Yes I made that mistake, lets try again.

And your link points to something I read, I think on the amd site, we are told to install something twice, once for root and ones for the user.

guus@linux-2ls4:~> ls -la /dev | grep kfd
crw-rw-rw-+  1 root video   242,   0 23 jul 12:34 kfd

Do I understand it right that me as a user should be listed there too ?

What makes me confused is this command:

KERNEL=="kfd", MODE="0660", GROUP="video", TAG+="uaccess"

I am already a member of the video group, but I might be not understanding that command right ?

guus@linux-2ls4:~> dkms status" and "uname -r
Het absolute pad naar 'dkms' is '/usr/sbin/dkms'. Als u het uit wilt voeren, kan dit systeembeheerderprivileges vereisen (bijv. root).
guus@linux-2ls4:~> sudo dkms status" and "uname -r
[sudo] wachtwoord voor root: 
Usage: /usr/sbin/dkms [action] [options]
  [action]  = { add | remove | build | install | uninstall | match | autoinstall
               | mkdriverdisk | mktarball | ldtarball | mkrpm | mkkmp | mkdeb | status }
  [options] = -m module] -v module-version] -k kernel-version] -a arch]
              -d distro] -c dkms.conf-location] -q] --force] --all]
              --templatekernel=kernel] --directive='cli-directive=cli-value']
              --config=kernel-.config-location] --archive=tarball-location]
              --kernelsourcedir=source-location] --no-prepare-kernel] --no-initrd]
              --binaries-only] --source-only] -r release (SuSE)] --verbose]
              --size] --spec=specfile] --media=floppy|iso|tar] --legacy-postinst=0|1]
              --no-depmod] -j number] --version]
Error! No action was specified.

I have no idea what this means though.

this is how 70-kdf-rules looks now.

SUBSYSTEM=="kfd", KERNEL=="kfd", TAG+="uaccess", GROUP="video"
KERNEL=="kfd", MODE="0660", GROUP="video", TAG+="uaccess"

Blender stll is not happy.

Reading though he topic of the person with the same problem, but with nvidia, graphics he starts blender as root.
When I try this:

guus@linux-2ls4:~> sudo blender
Unable to open a display

Second question how do I extent the number of lines my cli remembers? Some commands in this thread show so much lines, I can even read them all.

guus@linux-2ls4:~> dkms status
Het absolute pad naar 'dkms' is '/usr/sbin/dkms'. Als u het uit wilt voeren, kan dit systeembeheerderprivileges vereisen (bijv. root).
guus@linux-2ls4:~> sudo dkms status

I am getting more and more confused.

Found something about the command line, the thing to google for is histsize and histfile. :slight_smile:

One thing that may be relevant that has popped up recently in other forum threads, is UEFI and secure boot, is this what your using?

Yes I am, at least I think so, I am 100% sure about eufi , not 100% sure about secure boot.

Managed to find the command line settings , changed it from 1000 to 4000 lines, so now I should at least be able to read all.
( the output of the commands to check rocm install )

There is a warning next to it, but with 16 gig ram I felt safe to ignore the warning.

guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.5.0/bin/rocminfo 
ROCk module is loaded
Able to open /dev/kfd read-write
HSA System Attributes    
Runtime Version:         1.1
System Timestamp Freq.:  1000.000000MHz
Sig. Max Wait Duration:  18446744073709551615 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) (timestamp count)
Machine Model:           LARGE                              
System Endianness:       LITTLE                             

HSA Agents               
Agent 1                  
  Name:                    AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor
  Uuid:                    CPU-XX                             
  Marketing Name:          AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor
  Vendor Name:             CPU                                
  Feature:                 None specified                     
  Profile:                 FULL_PROFILE                       
  Float Round Mode:        NEAR                               
  Max Queue Number:        0(0x0)                             
  Queue Min Size:          0(0x0)                             
  Queue Max Size:          0(0x0)                             
  Queue Type:              MULTI                              
  Node:                    0                                  
  Device Type:             CPU                                
  Cache Info:              
    L1:                      32768(0x8000) KB                   
  Chip ID:                 0(0x0)                             
  Cacheline Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Max Clock Freq. (MHz):   3400                               
  BDFID:                   0                                  
  Internal Node ID:        0                                  
  Compute Unit:            12                                 
  SIMDs per CU:            0                                  
  Shader Engines:          0                                  
  Shader Arrs. per Eng.:   0                                  
  WatchPts on Addr. Ranges:1                                  
  Features:                None
  Pool Info:               
    Pool 1                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: KERNARG, FINE GRAINED
      Size:                    16308132(0xf8d7a4) KB              
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       TRUE                               
    Pool 2                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: COARSE GRAINED      
      Size:                    16308132(0xf8d7a4) KB              
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       TRUE                               
  ISA Info:                
Agent 2                  
  Name:                    gfx803                             
  Uuid:                    GPU-XX                             
  Marketing Name:          Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
  Vendor Name:             AMD                                
  Feature:                 KERNEL_DISPATCH                    
  Profile:                 BASE_PROFILE                       
  Float Round Mode:        NEAR                               
  Max Queue Number:        128(0x80)                          
  Queue Min Size:          4096(0x1000)                       
  Queue Max Size:          131072(0x20000)                    
  Queue Type:              MULTI                              
  Node:                    1                                  
  Device Type:             GPU                                
  Cache Info:              
    L1:                      16(0x10) KB                        
  Chip ID:                 26591(0x67df)                      
  Cacheline Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Max Clock Freq. (MHz):   1268                               
  BDFID:                   1536                               
  Internal Node ID:        1                                  
  Compute Unit:            32                                 
  SIMDs per CU:            4                                  
  Shader Engines:          4                                  
  Shader Arrs. per Eng.:   1                                  
  WatchPts on Addr. Ranges:4                                  
  Features:                KERNEL_DISPATCH 
  Fast F16 Operation:      FALSE                              
  Wavefront Size:          64(0x40)                           
  Workgroup Max Size:      1024(0x400)                        
  Workgroup Max Size per Dimension:
    x                        1024(0x400)                        
    y                        1024(0x400)                        
    z                        1024(0x400)                        
  Max Waves Per CU:        40(0x28)                           
  Max Work-item Per CU:    2560(0xa00)                        
  Grid Max Size:           4294967295(0xffffffff)             
  Grid Max Size per Dimension:
    x                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
    y                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
    z                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
  Max fbarriers/Workgrp:   32                                 
  Pool Info:               
    Pool 1                   
      Segment:                 GLOBAL; FLAGS: COARSE GRAINED      
      Size:                    4194304(0x400000) KB               
      Allocatable:             TRUE                               
      Alloc Granule:           4KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         4KB                                
      Accessible by all:       FALSE                              
    Pool 2                   
      Segment:                 GROUP                              
      Size:                    64(0x40) KB                        
      Allocatable:             FALSE                              
      Alloc Granule:           0KB                                
      Alloc Alignment:         0KB                                
      Accessible by all:       FALSE                              
  ISA Info:                
    ISA 1                    
      Name:                    amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx803          
      Machine Models:          HSA_MACHINE_MODEL_LARGE            
      Profiles:                HSA_PROFILE_BASE                   
      Default Rounding Mode:   NEAR                               
      Default Rounding Mode:   NEAR                               
      Fast f16:                TRUE                               
      Workgroup Max Size:      1024(0x400)                        
      Workgroup Max Size per Dimension:
        x                        1024(0x400)                        
        y                        1024(0x400)                        
        z                        1024(0x400)                        
      Grid Max Size:           4294967295(0xffffffff)             
      Grid Max Size per Dimension:
        x                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
        y                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
        z                        4294967295(0xffffffff)             
      FBarrier Max Size:       32                                 
*** Done ***             

I notice this:
Accessible by all: FALSE

Did I find the problem or is this a user error ?

guus@linux-2ls4:~> /opt/rocm-3.5.0/opencl/bin/x86_64/clinfo
bash: /opt/rocm-3.5.0/opencl/bin/x86_64/clinfo: No such file or directory

guus@linux-2ls4:~> bootctl status
systemd-boot not installed in ESP.
     Firmware: n/a (n/a)
  Secure Boot: disabled
   Setup Mode: setup

Current Boot Loader:
      Product: n/a
     Features: ✗ Boot counting
               ✗ Menu timeout control
               ✗ One-shot menu timeout control
               ✗ Default entry control
               ✗ One-shot entry control
               ✗ Support for XBOOTLDR partition
               ✗ Support for passing random seed to OS
               ✗ Boot loader sets ESP partition information
          ESP: n/a
         File: └─n/a

Random Seed:
 Passed to OS: no
 System Token: not set
       Exists: no

Available Boot Loaders on ESP:
          ESP: /boot/efi (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/74073301-124d-44a5-94d7-a68ba4d49f7f)
         File: └─/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi

Boot Loaders Listed in EFI Variables:
        Title: opensuse-secureboot
           ID: 0x0000
       Status: active, boot-order
    Partition: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/74073301-124d-44a5-94d7-a68ba4d49f7f
         File: └─/EFI/OPENSUSE/SHIM.EFI

        Title: Windows Boot Manager
           ID: 0x0002
       Status: active, boot-order
    Partition: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/70e1d660-fa10-4c6b-af84-2f6220bf4308

        Title: opensuse
           ID: 0x0007
       Status: active, boot-order
    Partition: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/74073301-124d-44a5-94d7-a68ba4d49f7f
         File: └─/EFI/OPENSUSE/GRUBX64.EFI

Boot Loader Entries:
        $BOOT: /boot/efi (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/74073301-124d-44a5-94d7-a68ba4d49f7f)

0 entries, no entry could be determined as default.

So it seems I am no using secure boot.

I was using ROCm 3.3.
And it was working.
Then I updated it to 3.5 with this repo:
And got same results as Gps2010.

ILL ROCm 3.5 simply is not working.

My suggestions: try to use ROCm 3.3:
or ROCm 3.5.1:

IMHO using single-version ROCm is simpler than multi-version.

Thank you for trying. :slight_smile:

For me it might be easier to just render the file on windows, although I can’t say that would be a solution I really like.

Think I will try to install version 3.3 to see if I can get it working,