Blender Cycles GPU render not working, CUDA toolkit insufficient, Python 3.5 not found.

I am using nVidia GTX680 with latest drivers from the nVidia repo.

After installing latest Blender from Packman repo I noticed that the GPU render is not available as an option. This was the case also in openSUSE 13.2 and earlier Blender versions. I remember I have seen some threads here recommending to as in a Blender community. So I asked in a FB group and someone explained that I need CUDA Toolkit. So I visited -> Download -> Linux -> x86_64 ->OpenSUSE -> 13.2 (the only available) -> and tried both the ‘rpm (network)’ and ‘rpm (local)’. With both I got this error when installing:

warning: cuda-repo-opensuse132-7-5-local-7.5-18.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 5c37d3be: NOKEY

I also tried downloading the .run version but:

# --help
Install the CUDA Driver.

--uninstall (deprecated)
Uninstall the CUDA Driver.

Install the CUDA Toolkit.

I am a little concerned about that “deprecated”. I surely don’t want software which I cannot uninstall if I decide to.

Trying to install CUDA toolkit from the repo of home:scorot gave errors too:

Software installation
Installation was only partially successful.
The following packages could not be installed

So after some googling around I found this repo which is for 13.2 but installing cuda-toolkit-7-5 from there worked.

Then I ran blender again and now I have the option for GPU Compute. However when I pick it and try to render I am getting an error message:

CUDA kernel compilation failed, see console for details.

Then I ran:

blender --debug-all

and tried to render with GPU again. Now the console output says:

CUDA version 7.5 detected, build may succeed but only CUDA 6.5 is officially supported.
Compiling CUDA kernel ...
"/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc" -arch=sm_30 -m64 --cubin "/usr/share/blender/2.76/scripts/addons/cycles/kernel/kernels/cuda/" -o "/home/<myusername>/.config/blender/2.76/cache/cycles_kernel_sm30_FB69D64D805490B9166178E9BD37954E.cubin" --ptxas-options="-v" --use_fast_math -I"/usr/share/blender/2.76/scripts/addons/cycles/kernel" -DNVCC -D__KERNEL_CUDA_VERSION__=75
/usr/share/blender/2.76/scripts/addons/cycles/kernel/kernels/cuda/ fatal error: ../../kernel_compat_cuda.h: No such file or directory
 #include "../../kernel_compat_cuda.h"
compilation terminated.
CUDA kernel compilation failed, see console for details.

Refer to the Cycles GPU rendering documentation for possible solutions:

I have no idea why this happens but it seems merely installing CUDA Toolkit didn’t help.

So I decided to uninstall blender, download its source and build it myself as I see that in the source code the missing header file is present. So following the documentation I downloaded from git, installed the dependencies which in my case seem to be:


and then I am getting another error:

Then after paying more attention I saw that building blender requires Python 3.5 which I can’t find on any repo. And honestly if I also have to build python from source that would be a bit too much for my taste :slight_smile:

Has anyone else ran into this and possibly solved it with less travail?

The easy way with instant gpu cycle support is in this link.

No need of compiling, just unpack the tarball and
you’re good.

Works! Thanks :slight_smile:

I know this can be done in home but where is it generally correct to unpack? /usr/local/bin ?

Hi see this.

But in my case, I dual boot my machine with Leap and tumbleweed, I put
blender in a directory where both tumbleweed and leap can share/run it.:wink:

Thanks. It says /usr/local/bin :slight_smile: I guess that’s it.