BleachBit....old news?

Anyone using BleachBit? It may be old news to veterans, but I’ve just tried it and it seems pretty darned good. ala CCleaner for OpenSuse. Rpmorphan was useless.

Am I missing something here (Dangerous)? :wink:

I’m not sure, but I think it’s a fairly new app.

However, I don’t really see its advantages - of course many files being created become redundant after a while, but this will not slow a Linux-system (like it seems to do on other operating systems). Also it won’t save that much of space, I just ran a preview and it offers me to delete about ½GB of data.

Running BB as root is at least potentially dangerous, since you really should have some idea what files might still be used - I remember an app called KleanSweep (or something like that), which would do the same but also offered to pack and compress the removed files so one could move them back in case one made a wrong choice.

I hope I don’t spoil your fun about BB, but to me it looks like porting the typical Windowish concept of having to “clean” a system every once in a while. The only temporary files I remove are those in /tmp, which get cleaned with every boot, since files in there are definitely useless for the next session.

By the way: Bleachbit and rpmorphan have totally different concepts and aims actually.

well, I removed only about 300 mb of junk files, various types I didn’t need. I guess to me it seem to be one of the ‘smartest’ programs of it’s kind I’ve seen.

Well, I freed up 3 gigs of space…that’s significant…of course you have to review every single file before deleting :slight_smile: I like it.

Hello joutlan,

I also like BeachBit.:wink:

I’m not sure, but I think it’s a fairly new app.
You’re right. The SourceForge page started at 2008-12-18.

And when looking at the BleachBit blog I saw a link to this thread.:slight_smile:
Have a look at this:

It’s good,pretty dependable…I haven’t had to uncheck a file deletion yet. ala CCleaner. Won’t run it again for another year or so :wink: