Blackbox "make" problems.

Hey there, I’m having exactly the same problems as this guy (Blackbox installing problem - openSUSE Forums)

Anyone managed to get blackbox successfully working under openSUSE 11.0? I’ve tried google but haven’t really found anything useful.

Hey there, I’m having exactly the same problems as this guy.

Anyone managed to get blackbox successfully working under openSUSE 11.0? I’ve tried google but haven’t really found anything useful.

Any help would be helpful. I’ve spent ages trying to make it work ={|

not sure how your installing blackbox but i did it through the repos and works fine
heres also the webpin 1 click install

Thanks a lot for that, I’m quite new to the one-click installs so I hadn’t thought of this idea. I searched repos’ but I don’t think I had the repo I needed.

I’ve just installed and I assume it’s all working so thanks.


hope it works out for ya
and enjoy

There is a pre-compiled blackbox (0.70.1) package at the Window Managers repo.

The 1 click thingy dont starts to load…
If i try the 2nd URL and download the blackbox rpm there, i get this error:

Argh, cant edit my prev post, now it works^^

Sry for triplepost^^
But i cant find the menu where i can enable bb as windowmanager… :frowning:

When you login, in the bottom left hand corner is a session menu. When you click on the link you can select and then you’re able to login as normal.