Blackberry and Kontact

I will be migrating my mother to Linux finally. She has an at home business, and her PIM data is crucial. However, she is separately maintaining info in her Yahoo account, proprietary Windows apps, and her Blackberry.

I’m moving her over to Kontact (her address book mostly imported in, save for a few fields, except it is thousands of entries!). Next I need to get with her and find a way to sync her Blackberry, which I’ve never attempted in Linux/KDE.

What apps do I need? Can I sync the Blackberry directly with her info from Kontact?


found this : synchronizing-a-blackberry-in-linux/

I should mention that I never really got to try out that article.

The article is aimed at Ubuntu it seems. The Barry project supposedly will allow backing up your Blackberry, syncing with your favorite programs, etc. However the only openSUSE packages are for openSUSE 10, and those packages don’t work in openSUSE 11. They claim libraries like libusb and libtar are missing, even if they are installed because they are looking for different versions.

I tried downloading the barry code and compiling it myself, but I can’t even get ./configure to work, since it still complains that libusb is missing, when it is installed.

Does anyone know of a good way to make a Blackberry work in openSUSE 11, or can they help make Barry packages for openSUSE 11?

Generally, when compiling and it is missing something, it will be
the devel version if it’s not installed. Assuming you have the normal
C/C++ tools pattern installed.

This builds version 0.13 OK on openSUSE 11.0. You need to install boost,
boost-devel and libusb-devel. Watch out for wordwrap on the cvs command.

1. cd ~
2. mkdir build
3. cd build
4. cvs -z3
co -P barry cd barry
5. sh
6. ./configure --prefix=/usr
7. make
8. sudo make install

I have a blackberry here, but am working on getting XmBlackberry to
work as then I can use it tethered.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SLED 10 SP2 i586 Kernel
up 9:32, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.11, 0.09
GPU GeForce Go 6600 TE/6200 TE Version: 173.14.12

Oops, line 6 should be, just noticed when looked at btool --help,
there was no boost;

6. ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-boost=/usr/lib

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SLED 10 SP2 i586 Kernel
up 10:34, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.19, 0.24
GPU GeForce Go 6600 TE/6200 TE Version: 173.14.12

Generally, when compiling and it is missing something, it will be
the devel version if it’s not installed. Assuming you have the normal
C/C++ tools pattern installed.

This builds version 0.13 OK on openSUSE 11.0. You need to install boost,
boost-devel and libusb-devel. Watch out for wordwrap on the cvs command.

1. cd ~
2. mkdir build
3. cd build
4. cvs -z3
co -P barry cd barry
5. sh
6. ./configure --prefix=/usr
7. make
8. sudo make install

I have a blackberry here, but am working on getting XmBlackberry to
work as then I can use it tethered.

Oops, line 6 should be, just noticed when looked at btool --help,
there was no boost;

6. ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-boost=/usr/lib

Yet another update, libtar for 11 is in the packman repo and to build
the GUI, add --enable-gui to line 6. Note there are quite a few extra
devel libraries to add. Suggest you leave YaST running (when it asks
abount installing more rpms) and say ‘Yes’.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SLED 10 SP2 i586 Kernel
up 11:20, 1 user, load average: 0.51, 0.29, 0.14
GPU GeForce Go 6600 TE/6200 TE Version: 173.14.12

I’ll have to try that next time I’m over at my mom’s house. Thanks!

This isn’t ideal, but after spending a couple of fruitless weeks trying to sync up my moto q 9c directly to any app in opensuse, I gave up and now sync it through Google. I have a free app on my phone called Oggsync, and there is a free app that I installed to sync Kontact w/Google (GCalDaemon, I think?), and now I have my calendar in three places.

It’s not really that bad–my wife can access my calendar from her work to see when my classes/meetings/whatever are.

I know this still doesn’t address the contacts portion, and it might not work on your Blackberry, but I thought I would throw it out there to get you thinking “outside the box” in case a more traditional approach does not work.

I have come to love Google for much more than search. :wink:

Maybe you can work something similar if needed.

Just out of curiosity (and cause I know a couple of blackberry users), I searched a little, and found out it appears that google has some client software that integrates into the blackberry’s calendar, and syncs to google’s calendar for you. Coupled with the software I mentioned for contact (the daemon that runs in the background, also good for evolution, I believe), your solution is here (unless you have another solution already).

Google Mobile - Sync

Good luck!

Thanks for the link, looks good. But (always a but there :slight_smile: ) I’m also
using it for tethering, so will keep playing with barry, xmblackberry,
bluetooth etc. Only got bluetooth to work with the default kernel so
far, but that kills the sound, so a bit more work for me on this
machine :slight_smile:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SLED 10 SP2 i586 Kernel
up 1:18, 1 user, load average: 0.23, 0.20, 0.19
GPU GeForce Go 6600 TE/6200 TE Version: 173.14.12

If your still having trouble with this, it is really easy now. Just goto Files

Find your version and set that up as a depository through yast
Then run yast software management and do a search for barry.
Install and have fun!
Worked first (or second) :wink: time. You cant have kontact running at the same time, and as of now only contacts and events work.
Hope this helps someone.