black screen

my opensuse 11.2 went down. I hade problems with firefox, there were no sound when visitng swedish radiostation website. Find a fix that told me to uninstall KDE sound and install esound instead. So I did, when rebooting there were a very simpel screen, KDE hade disapered. Tried to fix it, somehow I hade a desktop again but it didn’t work propely and after a while I realised that every program was active, there were no arcive and both KDE and Gnome was activated. Deactivated Gnome and rebooted, now the screen is black.
Bought opensuse 11.0 bible and made installation from the DVD that followed the book. Can’t boot from HDD, only from this DVD, can’t install updates or log in as root.
I was very fond of my opensuse 11.2, its like to have lost a friend and I would be very happy if someone can help me.
this is a short story of what have happened.

Welcome to openSUSE forums.

At this stage I really would backup and reinstall,

I see no way of working out exactly what you have done.

Reinstalling is quick and simple, and gives you a fresh system.

OK, I think I understand, you have tried to reinstall.

Did you download and burn an 11.2 DVD, or install from a DVD that came with the book?

yes I have download 11.2 and burnt it, three times I think, but this DVDs never works, don’t remember how I get 11.1 to start but I upgraded to 11.2 with a fix from a forum using zypper and it worked perfect until it crashed, of corse I am an amateur. For the moment the computer works with opensuse 11.0 that I installed from the DVD from the book but it seems to function like a demoversion. Booting from HDD gives a blackscreen, booting from optical devise works when using the DVD from the book but it gives me 11.0 that don’t work properly.

When booting from the DVD have you selected the option to ‘check the install media’ (or similar),if so does it pass this check?

eureka! I have succeded to bring my 11.2 back. Downloaded KDE 4 from opensuse downloadpage and burned a cd and put it in…
still, can’t listen to radio at Sveriges Radio - lokala och rikstäckande radiokanaler, or watch svtplay at Startsida | with sound

eureka! I have succeded to bring my 11.2 back. Downloaded KDE 4 from opensuse downloadpage and burned a cd and put it in

thats good to read

can’t listen to radio at Sveriges Radio - lokala och rikstäckande radiokanaler, or watch svtplay at Startsida | with sound

Follow this guide to fix your multimedia problems.Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

thanks a very lot. It was a long way to go but after six ours it was done. Of cours there where no sound, yesterday. Trying again today I find a volumecontrol PCM that was in bottom, just hade to put it to top and the sound worked.

Hi again akeerlands, carefully following the guide in the link I gave you means that you should now be able to run most multimedia formats well,

I think you will find it well worth the time you put in,

Pleased to read it is working well now.