This morning I attempted to update my Leap 15.0 system to 15.1 using zypper. Everything seemed to work fine until it rebooted. It never shows me a login screen, it just goes black. The exact sequence looks like this.
Grub menu
Boot screen with the 3 green dots
Stops with a black screen with mouse pointer. (Mouse will move.)
I am able to login via a terminal using Ctrl-Alt-F1.
I tried the “nomodeset” trick I saw mentioned in a couple of other posts. Didn’t change anything.
Looking at the Grub entry, it says the kernel is 4.12.14-lp151.28.7, if that helps.
Just guessing here. Possibly you have Nvidia graphics. I would suggest uninstalling the nvidia driver, and then reinstalling.
You can probably boot to a command line. On the grub menu, hit ‘e’. Scroll down to the line that begins with “linux” (or “linuxefi”). Hit the END key to get to the end of the line. Append " 3" (without the quotes). Hit CTRL-X to resume booting.
Thanks. You are correct and this mostly worked. I had to install the G05 drivers. The G03 gave the black screen behavior. G04 wouldn’t load the GUI and just dumped me to a cli login. G05 boots and loads Plasma. Everything works except for it doesn’t recognize my monitors. When I look at the hardware in Yast, they are both listed correctly. But when I go to Configure Desktop -> Hardware -> Display and Monitor -> Displays, only one monitor is there. It says “default” and it only gives me a 1280x1024 resolution choice. Any idea how to fix that?
You might wish to try doing the first part of nrickert’s recommendation, then rebooting. See how it works using only the openSUSE distribution software. Once that’s working correctly is time enough to determine whether proprietary software is needed. 15.1 is a fresh release. It doesn’t seem to have gotten a whole lot of testing of NVidia’s non-FOSS software prior to release. After booting into Plasma without the NVidia driver installed, please paste using code tags output from inxi:
There are two competent FOSS DDX to chose from, older, nouveau, which you have, and newer, modesetting, which I use. If you find anything objectionable with nouveau, you might wish to try modesetting before jumping back to proprietary NVidia, which is where maximum performance is available at least in theory if not actual practice. Switching is as simple as:
sudo zypper rm xf86-video-nouveau
and restarting X.
Latest inxi is only available directly from upstream web site, or by running it with the -U switch after creating /etc/inxi.conf containing B_ALLOW_UPDATE=true. The latter only works on a random basis due to some philosophical difference I don’t understand between its creator and openSUSE developers’ security settings.
I updated inxi with the -U switch, removed the xf86-video-nouveau package, and ran inxi again. Does this look better? I think it’s the same as yours but I might have missed something.