Black screen, mouse cursor, and no kb/mouse

I’m running a Pentium 4, 2.0 GHz. 1.5 MB RDRAM, and ATI Radeon 3650. Was running openSUSE 11.1 until I tried a fresh install of 11.2.

After a smooth install of 11.2, I bootup into runlevel 5 without incident, but all I get is a black screen with the mouse arrow, and no keyboard/mouse function.

I then tried booting to runlevel 3, where I was able to successfully login as root, where I tried:

  1. sax2 -r -m 0=ati
    Gave me a corrupted screen.

  2. sax2 -r -m 0=vesa
    Succeeded in getting me to sax2 GUI, but did not have keyboard/mouse function so I couldn’t accept the video setup.

I would appreciate whatever advice the foum can give.

I also tried:

sax2 -r -m 0=radeon
sax2 -r -m 0=radeonhd

But neither worked. So far, none of the forum remedies work for me.

I have been a longtime use of SUSE/openSUSE, and I am very disappointed by this release, especially since it promised cleaner functioning than 11.1. I will either return to 11.1 and await a functioning 11.2 release, or maybe I’ll switch to Kubuntu. Sad.

ATI support for new openSUSE releases in preparation for the release day (and indeed before that SuSE) has always been bad. I don’t recall an openSUSE (nor SuSE) release where after the first week users were thrilled with the ATI driver. Its sad and true. It may be a bit worse this time as it appears both the proprietary driver and the open GL driver have problems.

There are various work arounds posted on this forum that may or may not work. You could try one of those , or simply wait with 11.1 until the issue is finally resolved with no remaining hiccups (which may be a month or two). I can point you to some URLs, but I can not say if those are applicable to your particular issue. Take a look at:

Note my experience with openSUSE-11.1 and an ATI radeon HD3450 is if one wishes to switch back from a proprietary driver to the openGL or vesa driver (for some, but not all kernels) is one needs to completely remove the proprietary driver (associated rpms and such) before the switch back to the radeon or radeonhd or vesa will work.

Thanks for the advice regarding proprietary ATI drivers. I’ll cool my jets for a month or so and hope the drivers catch up to 11.2. I can feel my faith in openSUSE slowly returning.

Incidentally, I had the same problem in 11.1 when I updated (before 11.2) and used fglrx, so I just ran 11.1 without updates.

Kubuntu 9.10 gave me the same problem, so it seems the problem is not necessarily related to the distribution.

Thanks also for the links. I’ve been to the first one, which didn’t help, but I’ll try the second link.