November 17, 2008, 8:12pm
I am using OpenSuse 11.0, just updated the kernel and after rebooting, I can only here the sound as it has booted properly. Unfortunately don see anything. Also tried to go back to the choose the old kernel from the boot menu, it boots up and ask for login and password in the shell.
I can only use Failsafe to see the KDE Desktop. Can any help. Still a lot to learn.
November 18, 2008, 4:49am
What do you mean by this ?
That you can use KDE with the command startx ?
Or that you only hace the failsafe mode ?
What are hardware spec ?
November 18, 2008, 11:23am
What i mean o say is that when I choose from the Boot Menu. In the menu i have a couple of options.
They are:-
openSuse 11.0 -
Failsafe – openSuse 11.0 -
openSuse 11.0 -
Failsafe – openSuse 11.0 -
When I choose the first one. It boots and i can hear only the sound. Black screen Only. This is the new kernel
In the third it boots onto Shell, where i can login and after that i have no idea how to start KDE or GNOME.
To see or to use my Desktop (Grapical Mode) I have to use Failsafe option 2 and 4.
I would like to know how can i resolve the problem in Option 1 and also How can I start KDE 3.5 or GNOME in option 3.
November 18, 2008, 2:52pm
What i mean o say is that when I choose from the Boot Menu. In the menu i have a couple of options.
They are:-
openSuse 11.0 -
Failsafe – openSuse 11.0 -
openSuse 11.0 -
Failsafe – openSuse 11.0 -
When I choose the first one. It boots and i can hear only the sound. Black screen Only. This is the new kernel
In the third it boots onto Shell, where i can login and after that i have no idea how to start KDE or GNOME.
To see or to use my Desktop (Grapical Mode) I have to use Failsafe option 2 and 4.
I would like to know how can i resolve the problem in Option 1 and also How can I start KDE 3.5 or GNOME in option 3.
Did you install the two different kernels ?
Or is a update somewhere not success full ?
When you are in the fail safe mode log in as root without GUI
and run the command whereis KDM and whereis GDM.
If they where not present use yast to install .
Boot into openSUSE and get to the gui. Open a command window, switch to root (the “su” command), and post the output of the following back here:
cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
ls -l /boot
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
For that last command for xorg.conf, only post back the ’ Section “Device” ’ portion of the file.