Boot in runlevel 3 (console mode) : append 3 in the options line before booting. Then run the script posted here Upgrading ATI driver with atiupgrade to install the latest ATI driver. It should work in most cases. You need an Internet connection at this point.
Also read this post. It describes everything that happens during the update. You should see something similar.
Did you follow the advice in the openSUSE-11.3 release notes ? … ie BEFORE installing the ATI driver rpms did you specify ‘nomodeset’ as a boot code, and also disable loading of the DRM module in initrd completely by setting the NO_KMS_IN_INITRD sysconfig variable to yes via YAST, which then recreates initrd afterwards, followed by rebooting your machine ?
Did you also ensure that kernel-source and kernel-syms were the exact same version as your kernel BEFORE installing the rpms ?
Yes. Before trying to reinstall, just append nomodeset to the boot options (no 3 in this case) and see if it makes a difference. Maybe that’s all you need.
Nope. Either 1 or 2. If you run the script, it will do everything: download ATI installer, install kernel sources, build and install the rpm.
You don’t need to edit xorg.conf… at least not now.
But did you try to boot with nomodeset? Did it produce any result?
i just reinstalled opensuse OS. (4th time today)… and i still don’t understand how to install ati draivers… Maybe anyone can show how install using “teamviewer”? or some other program like that.
That’s another way to do it. If that’s what you want don’t apply my method… or you will get more and more confused. There are several ways which lead to the ati driver. While using the script, you won’t have to install anything, just type** atiupgrade** and it will install the kernel sources, build the package, install the driver and compile the module, etc. While following the HOWTO … I guess you’ll just have to follow the HOWTO.
If you just reinstalled openSUSE, I suggest you first try to use the open source driver which came with the installation. You might have to boot with the option nomodeset. Then do a kernel update and reboot. After the update the commande uname -r should output or Once you have the latest kernel, install the ATI driver either with the atiupgrade script or following the HOWTO.
i done that you said. it updated something and after it downloaded ati driver (.run file),but after that script was stopped. no installer found or something like that.
Yep. I got it. I fixed the bug. It was affecting 32bit OS. I just uploaded the fixed version. You can download it again an rerun the script: basically the steps described at post #12.