Does Linux use the original x86 interrupts, such as listed at Ralf Brown’s ‘Intervue’, or does it replace them?
Is there a tool that will convert a dos .com executable into something that will run in terminal?
During the boot process Suse uses color, as does MC in a text mode screen that looks like DOS ANSI. From what I’ve read so far, you havta be root to change the text mode screen, which with ‘su’ I gather you can. But is the Linux terminal mode limited to no more than 640X480 like DOS text mode screens?
Linux doesn’t have anything to do with DOS, so none of those DOS interrupts will work. Additionally it’s running in protected mode while DOS and BIOS interrupts are for real mode so that’s another reason they won’t work.
If you want to run a DOS program, look into dosemu, or perhaps VirtualBox.
Another good DOS emulator is Dosbox. That’s what I use. I can run my old Quick C compiler and virtually all of the old DOS games (including the ones that used memory extenders) in it.