Best hardware version for GeForce GTX 970 to use with Suse


I decided on the GTX 970 for my new pc, there are several vendors of the model with EVGA one of the most popular from what I gathered.

For Open Suse I like to know which one is better and if it’s true that I better use the open source drivers and not the ones from the NVIdia website.

Which open source driver ?

motherboard: ASUS X99 Deluxe
CPU: Intel i7 5930

Thank you

Which card is anyones guess go with The best specs. They all use the same chipset it is just cooling and memory that maybe different.

The OS drivers are fine for 2d and some 3d but if you plan to game then you must install the proprietary NVIDIA drivers. Personally I don’t see any point on skimping on the drivers when you install a top of the line graphics card. You really don’t need that kind of horsepower to simply run a desktop.

BTW you will want the GO4 flavor driver for that card.

Then I guess I should use the proprietary drivers because I will use the card specs with blender and paint software like Krita :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Yes and blender may use the card GPU for calculations and that can only be done with the set of NVIDIA drivers

yes, I’ll use the official driver, looks like the best option to use the card capacity. thank you.