[Phoronix] Benchmarks: Mandriva 2010.1, PCLinuxOS 2010, Ubuntu 10.04, openSUSE 11.3](http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_distro_fourway&num=1)
I found this last night and it’s quite interesting comparison of those four distros. PCLinuxOS is preforming quite nice. The openSUSE’s results are kind of a let down although it preforms as good as Ubuntu. I know that oS is not the fastest and lightest distro and that there is Milestone 4 but i still think it could do better. Anyway i just wanted to share this with you and to see your opinion about this test and the performance of openSUSE 11.3.
Phoronix is a complete joke, their tests are worth as much as toilet paper.
I have been testing linux distros 8 years now -
SUSE - most technically advanced,
Ubuntu - most user friendly
Fedora - ok
Debian - stable, ok
Mandriva - ****
Gentoo - compiling ****
usb-stick - puppy, slax, slitaz
I don’t know how they only get 7 frames per second on Urban Terror, that’s ridiculous.
They are using ATI Radeon but it should never be 7 fps. I get the maximum 125 fps with the latest Nvidia driver: 190.53.