Beginner - Q and A

1] I’d like to install VLC soon after system installation.
the repos are there…
Yet there are already some updates pending.
How can I manually choose what updates I want?
I mean…come on, I don’t need so many pdf help on OpenOffice and I don’t want to wait an hour until the update with unnecessary files completes before I can start installing VLC

Please help a new user who knows little but is willing to learn

If wrong section - forgive me

Thank you in advance!

For multi-media follow this carefully
Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

Just go with the flow is my advice with the updates

Do NOT use the VLC repository ! It will mess up your audio codecs. Use the packman repository and install VLC from there. So, if you have enabled the VLC repository, you should disable it before updating anything.

Wow, where was this warning posted? I never knew about this, and I guess that’s probably the reason why my audio keeps failing (I have to relog or reload ALSA… VLC advises to update alsalib)

Are there any other repos I should beware of, or what’s the rule of thumb when it comes to these things?

Just follow the guide I posted
and make sure you do this:

I’ve seen the guide and was initially going to use it… thank you!

What about the freaking updates that are REDUNDANT, e.g. open office pdf
how to remove the unnecessary updates?

Unless you have either very limited space or equally limited internet limits, I would just install the updates, regardless of what you think.
I don’t usually bother removing anything. I know I could.