deltaflyer44 wrote:
> Hmm,weird, i don’t have beagle running/installed & still get KDE help,
try this:
open personal settings/configure desktop, go System Administration >
Login Manager > Convenience
note that under “Enable Auto-Login” there are two check boxes, one
labeled “Persistent” the other “Lock Session”…now, click the “Help”
button and find either of those words on the displayed page, looking
especially under the topic or Convenience…
not there, is it?
so, lets search (using the KDE Help Center, search blank:
type in Persistent (leave all search settings as default, that is:
search Manpages, KDE Application Manuals, openSUSE Documentation (en)
and Release Notes) and click “Search”…scroll down the list looking
for any clue as to what the Persistent check box under Enable
Auto-Login might mean…
maybe you can find something (if so please tell me) but i
couldn’t…but, i DID find this:
“Application Manuals
KDE Application Manuals
The Beagle daemon is not running, search is not available”
THEN: close the Help Center, go back to the Login Manager, and let
pretend we want to actually enable/disable Auto-Login, so click on
the “Administrator Mode” at the bottom, give root pass, click on
“Convenience” tab, scratch your head trying to figure out what
“Persistent” or “Lock session” buttons might do, and click the “Help”
button to find out…
and, instead of the KDE Help Center opening (like before) now i get a
Help Center pop up dialog saying: “A search index does not yet
exist. Do you want to create the index now?” with “Create” and “Do
Not Create” buttons…
click on “Create”
now the Help Center opens (completely empty of all text), and also a
“Build Search Index - KDE Help Center” dialog saying: “To be able to
search a document, there needs to exist a search index. The status
column of the list below shows, if an index for a document exists. To
Create an index check the box in the list and press the “Build Indes”
BUT, there is NO list…the the Search Scope/Status window is
completely empty…
there is a note "Index folder:
and a “Change” button, click it–nothing happens
and, since “Build Index” is grayed out, the only option is to click
oh WAIT, it is hung here…
no! though “Cancel” does nothing, i clicked the close window X at the
windows top, and the “Build Search Index - KDE Help Center” dialog
the KDE Help Center (still blank) remains, and closed obediently when
clicked on the X…
my conclusion is that neither “Persistent” nor “Lock session” check
box options are explained, AND Beagle is required for FULL KDE help
use, AND if you need help while doing root duties in the Login
Manager, you better do your reading before you switch to root…
the good news is: it is hump day.
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon