BCM4321 wireless network card, works with the Ultimate Boot CD

but doesn’t work with tumbleweed, (just downloaded).
I have trolled the web looking for a solution, various drivers, firmware
The card shows in hardware info (yast2) but when I run iwconfig, it’s a no show
I cannot start network manager, (disabled by vendor)
The part that makes me mad and want to toss the opensuse disc is when i boot the ubcd, network manager is running, i plug in my password and i am connected

Have you tried the “broadcom-wl” driver from the packman repo?

I just did with the following error

YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2015-12-18 18:32:40

nothing provides broadcom-wl needed by broadcom-wl-kmp-default-

 ] do not install broadcom-wl-kmp-default-

 ] break broadcom-wl-kmp-default- by ignoring some of its dependencies

YaST2 conflicts list END

Depending on the particular broadcom chipset, you may need to use the proprietary braodcom driver.

However, the 14e4:4321 chipset should be supported by the open source (b43) driver as long s the necessary firmware is installed, (which probably explains why the UBCD has the necessary support out of the box.)

This will tell you if there is a driver currently associated with your network hardware.

/usr/sbin/hwinfo --netcard

Just examine the output pertaining to the wireless device.

If using the open souce driver, the required firmware package is ‘b43-fwcutter’, and provided you have a wired network connection available you can install the firmware with


Is there a way to post a screen shot in this forum? I am dual booting between win7 and tumbleweed and that’s a pain. i don’t have a wired connection at the moment (need a 50ft cable)
Driver listed is “b43-pci-bridge”
driver module “ssb”
I have a screen shot of the command you said to use
or is there a way to copy term contents to a txt file?

Can you show us your configured repos?

zypper lr -d

For reference, I have the packman repo configured as

3 | packman                   | packman                                 | Yes     | ( p) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/ 

and a search for the broadcom-wl packages reurns

# zypper se broadcom-wl
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                              | Summary                                               | Type      
  | broadcom-wl                       | Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips     | package   
  | broadcom-wl                       | Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips     | srcpackage
  | broadcom-wl-debugsource           | Debug sources for package broadcom-wl                 | package   
  | broadcom-wl-kmp-default           | Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips     | package   
  | broadcom-wl-kmp-default-debuginfo | Debug information for package broadcom-wl-kmp-default | package   
  | broadcom-wl-kmp-pv                | Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips     | package   
  | broadcom-wl-kmp-pv-debuginfo      | Debug information for package broadcom-wl-kmp-pv      | package   
  | broadcom-wl-kmp-xen               | Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips     | package   
  | broadcom-wl-kmp-xen-debuginfo     | Debug information for package broadcom-wl-kmp-xen     | package 

You could copy/paste output to a text file, maybe save to a memory stick, then post the contents via windows.

Offline method for installing firmware


I give up for now, dual boot is pmo.
I should have a cable in the next day or 3, can’t leave it hooked up because of the paths it will cross (i.e. tripper)
the only repo i have us the install disc
i can dl to my win7 hdd and get files over to suse disc

I still don’t understand why my card works with ubcd but not suse

Easy enough to check. Open a terminal in UBCD and check the driver loaded

/sbin/lspci -nnk|grep net -A3

As I explained previously, it is likely that the broadcom firmware is already included with UBCD, (while openSUSE can’t do that for legal reasons).