bash - mounting opensuse repo as local folder using sshfs

sshfs mnt/OpenSuse153

This is basic idea, trying to mount the opensuse repo as a local folder without a username or password.

Can someone give me the correct formatting?

That service is not available.

It is possible to write FUSE or gvfs implementation that scrapes web page, but that is a lot of useless work for what is easier done by parsing existing metadata which is required to compute necessary actions anyway.

Can you explain that in more detail? The basic idea is to find the package file on the repo and get the version #.


The zypper command does that with the -s option?

That wasn’t your question at all >:)

Actually search for “fuse http” comes up with more than one hit :slight_smile:

‘zypper -s’ is for local files only, hence the need for http folder.

If sshfs doesn’t work then I move on to another command to get the basic idea to work.

Re-read your first post above, where you defined your question. There is no general idea there.

Better try to understand how to ask questions. Maybe this will help:

The function should work without username or passwords, any website.
search: linux bash fuse http

Most of this describes local folders, not remote http folders

network booting with fuse

Can someone narrow down to websites specific to my problem? Only one on this list is on the subject and I used it to try sshfs.

Do you really think that web site owners will allow random people without username/password attach to their web site roots as if it where a file system? Reading and writing at will? I assume that defacing web-sites will then be something done from the Kindergarten.

HTTPDirFS - HTTP Directory Filesystem

Somebody even built it for openSUSE :slight_smile:

Reading and writing at will?

Who said anything about writing?

I did. In his specifications he never mentioned any restrictions on what he wants. He only stressed he wants to use anonymous.

How on earth is the -s option in zypper for local files, only? It shows the source and version of a package:

kasi@pluto:~> zypper se -s sshfs 
Repository-Daten werden geladen... 
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen... 

S | Name  | Type  | Version        | Arch   | Repository 
i | sshfs | Paket | 2.9-bp153.1.15 | x86_64 | Haupt-Repository (OSS) 
kasi@pluto:~> zypper se  sshfs   
Repository-Daten werden geladen... 
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen... 

S | Name  | Summary                                               | Type 
i | sshfs | Filesystem client based on SSH file transfer protocol | Paket 

Option -i shows “installed” i.e. “local” files.

Sorry for the misunderstanding…

I left out ‘read only’ http website as a folder.

It was late at night… :stuck_out_tongue:

An offline system, can’t access the --online-- repos. So, zypper can only install from previously downloaded files.

‘zypper update’ will not work on an offline system. So, I downloaded from another online system, libre office. Then used ‘zypper in libreofficexxxxxx’ (sample) on an offline system.

This bash code will automate this process, taking some ideas from the github c code.

On an online system, I need take the offline bash generated file and use it to search the ‘http opensuse 15.3’ network folder to find each installed file. Then find it’s version #.

sample bash text file: (not accurate, example)
libre office v1.23

Search http local read-only folder for libre office and get path.
use zypper to find version # for libre

Then compare bash sig file version # to the network folder version #.

I need time to read through more replies…