Banshee works slowly

Does anybody have the same problem that Banshee runs very sloooow?
When I change a song or artist I have to wait for about 5 second to make it happen :expressionless: I have banshee 1.4.1

Yeah, banshee seems to have a hard time with changing songs. Whenever i change a song, it cuts out part of the beginning and makes a scratching noise.

Also, the audio gets all choppy whenever i play xmoto. It’s too bad since banshee is pretty cool. For now i’ll have to use vlc or audacious.

Banshee is pretty slow. It is a reliable player, but I personally think that it’s not even close to the best. I use Songbird. A mozilla java based application… it’s easy to use and iTunes like. It’s just as reliable as any other. Go ahead and try it out and see what you think. Forget about banshee…

Yeah, i forgot about songbird. I just installed it and it’s working great. Thanks

The only issue I’ve ever had with Banshee is that there are some music albums that I can’t play with Banshee while Rhythmbox can