Banshee volume level is set to 100% after start (of the app). Do you know how to force Banshee to remember the last volume level? The volume is maximized only in Banshee, the system volume level stays the same.
It is strange, Banshee is not in the pavucontrol. The problem is that if I open the Banshee the volume is boosted to maximum and it is very uncomfortable.
I did use 2.6 . But today i rolled back to Banshee 2.4.1, cleaned all banshee related folder, installed gconf-cleaner and cleaner it twice and finally it worked.
Even after closing and opening ,banshee retains previous volume
But,it may be unlikely that 2.4 would be found in 12.3
Ubuntu has a nice habit/history of not sending fixes upstream and giving back to community.They are cannibals and oppurtunists. These are strictly personal opinions based on my reading various articles on the world wide web. So it is unlikely that other dstros will get the fix.
That is the issue,everytime i reopen banshee the volume shoots to max and i have to manually change it to acceptable levels. Simply put banshee doesn’t retrieve the last volume level from previous playing session.