banshee lyrics plugin

i want a plugin that fetches a song’s lyrics for banshee 1.0 that actually works,i’ve tried one but it just crashes banshee

thanks in advance :slight_smile:


There’s a Lyrics plugin on gnome-look website you might want to look
Banshee Lyrics Plugin (reload)

Happy singing !!

this is the one i’m talking about,i put the .dll file in the “plugins” folder and when i start a song,banshee crashes,did you try this plugin on your computer?


I’ve installed the banshee lyrics extension from The doesn’t work anymore (last update was on Wed, 21 Jul 2010). I get the following error message:
Could not load type ‘Banshee.Base.SafeUri’ from assembly ‘Banshee.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.

I think the plugin isn’t compatible against the actual banshee (1.7.5) in this repo. Does anyone know how to fix this?