After installation of Leap 42.2 baloo has started to rescan all the files. The problem is that the process baloo_file_extractor uses too much memory. Because of its high memory usage all the system works very slowly.
I do need file search that is why I don’t want to delete/disable baloo. But is it possible to limit memory usage of baloo?
Thanks, that’s interesting. Do you use it? If yes, could you please answer some questions about it? Is it integrated into Dolphin? And does it index the contents of files, or just their names?
recoll sounds very interesting, could you say how you do this, how to integrate into dolphin, krunner etc? also how to have it do the index (cron/inotify?)
It is GUI, runs very nicely in KDE (I imagine also on other desktops, but I only use KDE).
You use simple configuration menu to decide which directories/files you want it to index.
You run it when you want to use it, it does not continually run in the background, so does not suck up your resources when you are trying to do other things.
It is a full indexer, meaning you can search your indexed files for, say, “I installed Recoll in January”, or “fix reboot problem”, or whatever is in your files. It does the full index on archives and on PDFs, as well. Check it out, easy to install, easy to check out, easy to remove if you do not like it.
ok, i already use recoll for my pdf library (its very good), i thought maybe you where suggesting it could replace baloo at a system level i.e. dolphin integration etc
I had both word/latex/pdf documents and results of calculations (text files with large amounts of numbers ) mixed, and both baloo and recoll had stuck during indexing process. When I had separated calculations and documents to different folders and told to indexers not to index results of calculations, recoll works fine while baloo still consumes enormous amounts of memory and is completely unusable (has someone succeeded in using baloo in OpenSUSE 42.2?).
There is no direct integration of recoll and dolphin as far as I understand, and I don’t see any need in krunner integration (however it works). But recoll is more-less convenient as standalone application after some time of use.