I have started to use utility rsync to do** incremental** backups of my personal user data directory tree, as follows:
pe1800@linux-gkd7:~> …
pe1800@linux-gkd7:/home>** rsync --archive --exclude=.* --delete --backup pe1800 /media/Lexar**
It works well:
only files which have been changed or new files are sent to the destination.
–delete sees to it that files no longer part of the source are deleted from the destination.
–backup retains at the destination previous versions of files which are being changed or deleted by attaching a** ~ suffix**
But I have noticed that the versions of files which change frequently are all retained with **suffixes ~, ~~, ~~ **and so on. That is a bit too much of a good thing, one level, ~ is enough. Does anyone know how to limit the numberl of previous versions? I have looked through the many options but do not see it or, perhaps, do not understand it.
I will appreciate your advice. Thank you.