Hello, I am relatively new to openSUSE and linux as a whole. My experience is mostly rooted in AIX 4.1
I have perused the forum, and found users with similar issues, though not quite the same as mine. I would appreciate any help very much, and hope that the information that I provide makes it easier to reach a conclusion.
I am running openSUSE 12.1 (KDE desktop) on a Dell Precision M65, and the Wifi adapter claims to be a BCM4311. My problem is that the device disappears each time I restart the computer. (Restart, or Shutdown-but not Hibernate)
So every time I turn on my laptop, I am greeted with the following visual:
At this point:
Networking is enabled and controlled by Network Manager (opposed to YAST). If I were to plug in an ethernet cable, there would be no issues connecting. The configurations seem to be fine. The only thing that appears to be wrong is that there is **no wlan device installed. **
Also at this point, were I to run the following:
machinename:/usr/sbin> sudo cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
Now, the WLAN did not install outofthebox, but installed without a hitch after running:
and this is what I run each time, I start the computer, to reinstall the WLAN adapter- and immediately my network is recognized and prompts me for my KDE wallet password.
I’ve read of users losing the device in hibernate, and after playing with the hard-switch, though I do not seem to share these problems.
Please advise, as I am stumped. I’ve never experienced a device just disappearing like this.