Few Days ago, I installed SuSE 11.3 on my system (before it was running SuSE 11.1).
I tried to run avr-gcc, but the headerfiles in /opt/cross/avr/include/… are missing, while the headers in /opt/cross/lib/gcc/avr/4.5 are there. The headers I miss are the processor-specific IO-Header + Interrupt-Header + …
On my old system everything works, by installing all avr-packages provided by YAST.
Is there a broken package in SuSE 11.3?
Do I have to build my avr-gcc + binutils by hand, like I did years ago?
Maybe someone can give me a hint.
THX Gabriel
| avr-libc | The C Runtime Library for AVR Microcontroll-> | package
| avrdude | Upload tool for AVR microcontrollers | package
| cross-avr-binutils | GNU Binutils | package
| cross-avr-gcc | The GNU C Compiler and Support Files | package
| cross-avr-gcc44 | The GNU C Compiler and Support Files | package
Seems to me you would need at least avr-libc, cross-avr-binutils and cross-avr-gcc. Did you install all of them? Maybe those include files are in avr-libc?
BTW this is on 11.2 so you should do your own search on 11.3.
Another possibility is that the include files are not at that path any more. You could try:
S | Name | Zusammenfassung | Typ
i | avrdude | Upload tool for AVR microcontrollers | Paket
i | cross-avr-binutils | GNU Binutils | Paket
i | cross-avr-gcc45 | The GNU C Compiler and Support Files | Paket
you are right, avr-lib is missing.
seems to me like nobody built a avr-libc package for SuSE 11.3.
I have to copy the headerfile from a working system