I’d my avidemux2.4.4 running with the mpeg-4 avc(x264)option but I must have deleted something and now,even if I install again the program I still don’t get the option and
I also got a new problem,after the program starts,and I press open file ,this is what appends
Also Can someone please advise.
do you have the libx264 library installed?
If you mean libx264-65 libx264-66 libx264-67 libx264-70 libx264-75
libx264-78 ,I have.
PS: I’m just a simple opensuse user,command line is still a “mystery” for me.
Well, you said that you suspect a problem with x264, but from the screenshot it’s telling that there’s something with libQtGui that’s causing a problem… I’d advise to remove all avidemux stuff, including split packages like avidemux-qt, and reinstall them again.
Personally, I wouldn’t touch avidemux due to it often crashing for various reasons, including when having complex filter chains. If you’re looking for a nice GUI encoder (without editing abilities) then use Handbrake which is in the Packman repo… or alternatively get sx264 which I provide in my repo (see signature below)
I try to add your repository but i got this error](alojarfotos.com)alojarfotos.com
I never did this before,but I compared it against the others and it seem to be this way.
I’d advise to remove all avidemux stuff, including split packages like avidemux-qt, and reinstall them again.
I already did that but the problem don’t disappear.
I also download the Handbrake but I want to convert from one avi to another one but with x264,to be able to watch them on my usb dvd player.And on my research it seems only to do MP4 or MKV.
That’s strange. I can’t reproduce that here and my repo is a standard OBS repo, no tweaking or messing around with it. Try adding it with zypper
I already did that but the problem don’t disappear.
I also download the Handbrake but I want to convert from one avi to another one but with x264,to be able to watch them on my usb dvd player.And on my research it seems only to do MP4 or MKV.
Wait, you want to convert an already existing avi to an avi with h264 video in it and then play it on your DVD player? You do realize that absolutely NO dvd player supports h264 video in an avi container? Most dvd players that support h264 only support it in an mp4 container (and some even support mkv)
I’d some avi and didn’t played on the dvd so I tried converted to avi using avidemux with MPEG-4 ASP(xvid) then with MPEG-4 ASP(xvid),and still the dvd didn’t recognized it ,but with MPEG-4 avc(x264)option it did,this was what I tested.
what kind of DVD do you have? a real genuine DVD device, like a standalone player? Because that’s what I was talking about. No standalone DVD player supports h264 video in an avi container becasue there’s absolutely no standard way how to store h264 video in avi and everyone could be doing it differently which in the end results in a mess
As for ASP, you need to make sure some things are not enabled when encoding for DVD devices. This means no QPEL, no GMC and no OpenDML AVIs. I have easy to use scripts called xvidenc and divxenc (also have h264enc) which have presets for such standalone players. You may want to try them out. They’re in my repo (see signature below)
what kind of DVD do you have? a real genuine DVD device, like a standalone player?
Yes it is,but has a USB connection,witch I can connect a pen or a external hard drive.It can read DivX some avi, mpeg,jpg .
The videos I’d previous converted with the option I said before had DivX MS-MPEG-4 Version 3 on the video codec properties,and had to be converted for *ITU H.264 * to be watched.Only the ones not recognized by the dvd I’d to convert.
Some avi’s with XVID MPEG-4,Microsoft MPEG-4 4.3,also works fine.
Maybe when I upgrade to 11.2,what’s causing my problem disappear.