Avidemux> cannot bind socket

Hello everyone,

got an issue with avidemux here, packages taken are from packman

Avidumux UI works as intended, hower i can not start the Job list anymore, which worked before

roland@linux-zlsh:~> avidemux3_jobs_qt5
  Avidemux v (0)
 Code      : Mean, JSC, Gruntster 
 GFX       : Nestor Di , nestordi@augcyl.org
 Design    : Jakub Misak
 FreeBSD   : Anish Mistry, amistry@am-productions.biz
 Audio     : Mihail Zenkov
 MacOsX    : Kuisathaverat
 Win32     : Gruntster

Compiler: GCC 4.8.5
Build Target: Linux (x86-64)

Large file available: 1 offset
Directory /home/roland/.avidemux3/ exists.Good.
Using /home/roland/.avidemux3/ as base directory for prefs, jobs, etc.
 [jobInit]  Initializing database (/home/roland/.avidemux3/jobs.sql)
  [ADM_jobCheckVersion]  Db version 3, our version 3
  [ADM_jobCheckVersion]  Same version, continuing..
  [jobInit]  Successfully connected to jobs database..
  [createBindAndAccept]  Binding on
  [createBindAndAccept]  bind() failed  
  [close]  [ADMSocket]Error when socket shutdown  -1 (socket 10)
  [popup]  Cannot bind socket
 Cleaning up
 [jobShutDown]  Shutting down jobs database


any idea how to fix this?

had the same problem sometimes on another pc with 13.2 too, spamming the job list command helped but not on this pc.

thanks in advance