AVI to DVD conversion

:slight_smile: I know you probably get this a lot especially from newbies but what is a good program to use for converting AVI files to DVD that would play on a standard DVD player? Also, are there any converters out their yet for Blue Ray or HD? One more! If I’m using Ogg Vorbis can I play my CD’s using my automobiles stereo CD player or any CD player for that matter?

What can you tell us about your avi files ?

Are these many short clips ? Or are they one big clip ready to be put in the DVD ?

I use an assortment of tools, picking the one that is optimal for what I have in mind.

Here is an old guide you may wish to look at (I need to update it): Applications - DVD Authoring Tools - openSUSE Forums

devede or mandvd from packman are probably the easiest

Thanks for the quick reply OldCPU, my son sends me AVI files of my granddaughter recorded with a JVC HDD video camera, these are the files I’m speaking of but I would also like to convert some of the AVI files I’ve accumulated over the years onto DVD. My files are different ones but I’d like to put them all on one DVD.

Thanks caf4926, are the programs you’ve mentioned already on the OpenSUSE install disc for version 11.1?

No they are in a external repository.
Do you not have internet?

to add packman, in a su terminal copy and paste this

zypper ar -f http://packman.unixheads.com/suse/11.1/ packman


zypper in devede mandvd

Further to caf4926’s reply, I recommend you limit yourself to 4 software repositories and just 4. No others. Those 4 are the 3 official software repositores: OSS, Non-OSS, and Update, and the 4th is the largest unofficial repository: packman. Packman is great for multimedia.

Here are some concepts on openSUSE Linux that you may find useful: Concepts - openSUSE

Note Linux does not install software like MS-Windows (where in MS-Windows one downloads from the developers site an executable, and installs the executable). Instead in Linux the software for users like you and me are kept in massive compilations on a file server, known as a repository. There are good reasons for this approach, and the concepts guide I referenced touches upon it.

Anyway, the 4 repositories I recommend you confine yourself to are OSS, Non-OSS, Update and Packman and NO others. Not for now. There is guidance on how to add those 4 here: Repositories/11.1 - openSUSE-Community Again, ONLY those 4.

Some detail

  • OSS - The main official repository, open source software only
  • Non-OSS - The main official repository for Non free (as in freedom) software, such as Flashplayer, Java, Opera, IPW-firmware, RealPlayer etc.
  • Update - Repository for official security and bugfix updates.
  • Packman - offers various additional packages for openSUSE packaged unofficially by the openSUSE community. It’s the largest openSUSE external repository and it contains essential multimedia applications for what you wish to do

So just those 4 !

My main hobby is multimedia, and creating home movies of my various vacations and travels. When I retire in 6 to 8 years from now I plan to spend most of time time on this hobby. An example: YouTube… but again note, if you need to add a repository to install an application from one of those search engines, be certain to remove that repository afterward. This simply 4 repository, “lean and mean” approach, will save you a lot of new user grief (and it saves me a lot of average user grief).

Good luck.

Thank you caf4926 for your suggestions, I will definetly check into those programs.

OldCPU, thanks you for that repository advice, both you and caf4926 seem to have this openSUSE stuff down pretty good. Unfortunately I keep bouncing back between openSUSE and that other OS!!! I wish you well on your retirement and videographing hobby, as for me retirement from my present job is a ways off still! I’ve retired from the Air Force already but I still had to find another job. Thanks again.

You are welcome
Enjoy openSUSE and don’t hesitate to ask for advice;)