I actually have a 3rd question. I uploaded my avatar but it has not showed up yet. Is there a time period before it can be used?
I assume that this is about the forums (and has not much to do with 15.2).
I will move this to Forums Feedback > How to use the Forums.
Hm, I know there are some restrictions for new members, but you have already more then thirty posts and everything should work for you already after only a few.
You say you uploaded it, which let me understand that the uploading did not show any errors or so?
In that case it is indeed strange it does not show.
Let me check with people that have more knowledge about the internals of the forum software.
I checkd your profile and see what they there call a profile image. So that is uploaded indeed.
But I think that is different from the avatar. When I look at my profile, I have no profile image (at the top), but I have an avatar (further down). Which one did you do?
Also in the settings, there are both: Change Profile Image and Change Avatar.
I found my problem…It aggravates me how much I do not catch due to my vision. It stinks…
Nice avatar!
I hear you, I had eye surgery for both eyes for retinal tearing that will lead to total retinal detachment and loose of sight.
Anyways, it’s a nice avatar.
This is most likely a temporary problem and can be solved in a simple way. Just log out of your account and then log in. I usually always add my work sites to the profile description via a hyperlink, like https://vulkanvegas.com/en/category/classic-slots, but I can’t always do this right away. In this case, my method helps.
If the current avatar that we all can see in your dp is the one you are talking about, then we all can see it.