"Available" Update Never Installs

openSUSE 11.0 Updater keeps telling me that the following patch is available:

java-1_4_2-sun: 2008 Brazil DST start date change, SLE 10, Sun Java

However, when I select ‘install’, the updater immediately goes to “checking for updates”. It never installs anything.

Even worse, when there are multiple patches available, they won’t install unless I deselect that java patch.

I’m far from an expert on the admin tools, so forgive my ignorance, but how can I find out why this patch is being presented, and why the install is failing?

Thanks – Allen

I’ve had this problem with a number of updates from time to time. I usually find that using zypper to install the updates resolves the problem.

If you wish to try it enter the following in a terminal

sudo zypper up

Enter your root password and away you go. More on Zypper here:-
Zypper Usage

N.B: I’ve also read that sometimes just waiting a few days can sort out the problem.

Hello Freefiber;

Using 10.3 and was chasing something like this around like a mouse in a maze.

The last thing was a reboot that solved it. No mention was ever present that explained the need to reboot so kept right on chasing.

Good luck


I want to thank you for your sound advise on this topic, As I had a few Kernel Updates that would not install as well.

I forgot out the zypper command. I ran it and it fixed my kernel problem

To my surprise, the problem has disappeared without a reboot or other action on my part (except posting this question). Regardless, I appreciate your help in case this problem recurs.

I have the exact same problem as freefiber, except that the java-1_4_2-sun package was never installed.

So why is the updater flagging this as a required update? There’s a bug somewhere.

Also it keeps insisting that I need to patch kdenetwork3-InstantMessenger even though it’s uninstalled.

This has been going on for a while now – a few weeks I think.

Is there a way to make the packager manager regain sanity, so to speak?

I have the same Brazil update problem as freefiber and amarjam, with the following modifications:

(1) The Brazil update is the only one failing. My other updates succeed even with Brazil selected. Sometimes I have to wait for the repositories to update, but that self-resolves over time with only the Brazil DST update remaining as the annoyance.

(2) I ran zypper up with the following results:

linux-xion:/home/mtgucs # zypper up
Reading installed packages…

Problem: patch:java-1_4_2-sun-299.noarch conflicts with java-1_5_0-sun-plugin.i586 < 1.5.0_update16-1.3 provided by java-1_5_0-sun-plugin-1.5.0_update16-1.1.i586

Solution 1: do not keep java-1_5_0-sun-plugin-1.5.0_update16-1.1.i586 installed
Solution 2: do not install patch:java-1_4_2-sun-299.noarch

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/C]: 2
Resolving dependencies…
Nothing to do.

(3) Whaddya mean, nothing to do?

(4) I probably, but can’t be sure, tried to install java-1_4_2 in order to get Java on my browsers (still not working btw, different complaint - different thread). So somewhere in the technosludge of my hard drive is a reference to java-1_4 that openSUSE update is seeing, but which no longer exists.

(5) Here is my update-alternatives output:

linux-xion:/home/mtgucs # update-alternatives --config java

There are 3 programs which provide `java’.

Selection Command

  • 1        /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.6.0-sun/bin/java
    2        /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.5.0-sun/bin/java
  • 3 /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk/bin/java

Enter to keep the default[li], or type selection number:*
[/li]linux-xion:/home/mtgucs #

(6) Suggestions? Purge Java completely, and will that get rid of the lingering reference to Java-1_4? Edit the package manager reference to Java-1_4? Cancel my ticket to Rio?

:\ mtgucs

First in reply to the OP,

I’ve found that when the YOU (Yast Online Update) stalls, I can resolve by opening up Yast, then running the Update manually selecting maybe a dozen or so updates at a time. I suspect that contention is related to the number of updates downloaded or installed at once and maybe could be resolved by either throttling or better thread control.

As for the Java issue, I do recommend uninstalling any version of Java you don’t need (In my experience if installed from the SuSE repos Java packages uninstall completely and properly). I can’t imagine patching a version of Java that’s not currently used can be good, and I doubt that ordinarily there should be any good reason to be running Java 1.4 any more.

In fact, I wonder about your Java 1.4. Since it doesn’t show up in your update-alternatives I suspect you may not have installed it from the SuSE repos. When using update-alternatives it only works with Java installed in the bin directory, when you install Java from the Sun website, it installs in a different directory and is manually installed (BTW - Uninstalling can require manually removing those manual configurations wherever they are… eg Profile).

The never updating update for me is fileshareset.

I’m hoping I can make it go away tomorrow by installing 11.1:)

Online update keeps notifying me that there are two updates available:

Neither application is installed, according to YAST.

The updates will not install. Rather the update notifier simply opens a new notice that the same two updates are available.

I’ve tried rebooting, logging out/in, &
as su:
rpmdb --rebuilddb
zypper refresh
zypper up

the last command only shows:

Reading installed packages…

The following NEW patches are going to be installed:
fileshareset kdenetwork3-InstantMessenger

No additional space will be used or freed after the operation.
Continue? [YES/no]:

No matter what I enter (“YES” “yes” “y” “Y”), I am simply dumped back to the command line. Reissuing “zypper up” shows the same update needs to be installed:O.

Has anyone had any luck with this?

I have a similar problem with the “fileshareset” patch and posted about it in this thread Problems with patch updates on 11.0 - openSUSE Forums

the “fileshareset” patch is a collective update of the kdebase3 packages, however it never installs. I don’t know who’s the idiot who pushed this patch to the update servers, but he better fix it soon!

Hello to all!

I’m encountering the exact same problem. If a solution comes up, let us know!

Thanks in advance.



i had the same problem with fileshareset and kdenetwork3-instantMessenger

I follow the bug 447986 see https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=447986

and in the comment #30, i add the repo : Index of /update/11.0-test

I have refreshed update and upgrade zypper.

After new updates were available but i choosed to not update.

Finally i deactivated the new update repo and all is ok.

It solved my problem, before doing this, be sure what you are doing.


sorry for my poor english, i’m french.