I have created an autoyast profile and have stored in my website so that I can refer to it during an automated installation.
When i tried invoking the autoinstallation with
autoyast=“http://…/autoinst.xml” it didn’t work.
After some messing around, the following worked:
autoyast=“http://…/autoinst.xml” install=“http://www.google.ca/”
this then gave me an error that it couldn’t find the install repository. Following the prompts, I told the installer to continue installation from the cd-rom/dvd after which the installation worked.
how do i specify the dvd installation from the start when using the autoyast parameter?
but this did not work either. The only thing that worked for me as I stated above was: autoyast=http://…/autoinst.xml install=<some incorrect url>
and then wait for the error about not being able to find the repository and then tell it to continue the installation with the dvd as the source