I have a desktop file located in /home/{user}/.config/autostart/ named synology-cloud-station-drive-autostart.desktop.
It’s a symlink with lrw-r–r-- permissions, owner = me, group=users.
Its contents are:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Synology Cloud Station Drive
Comment=Synology Cloud Station Drive
Exec=synology-cloud-station-drive autostart
Entry is enabled in Autostart system settings module with command “synology-cloud-station-drive autostart”. Command is located in /usr/bin.
For some reason this application does not autostart @startup.
How do I fix this ?
Yeah the symlink’s name ends with “.desktop” which is kinda confusing…
It actually points to “/opt/Synology/CloudStation/synology-cloud-station-drive-autostart” file which includes the [Desktop entry] I posted.
The real permissions on that file are root for owner & group.
I tried making a real desktop file through Autostart (System Settings module - Add program) but it gets removed after rebooting.
I don’t know what systemd unit file means…Sorry
I just want the stuff that’s listed in the Autostart module to actually start
What happens if you copy the .desktop file from the Synology folder to /etc/xdg/autostart ? Needs a reboot ( and preferably removal of what you created in ~/.config while attempting to make it work).
Yeah I’ve been playing around with permissions already but it’s still not working.
The only thing remaining is the command itsel fbut there’s no manual provided so it’ll be trial and error again
Can you just run the command from the command line?? Really that is the fist step anyway. If it does not run from the command line autostart is not going to work
If it requires root permissions then you need to start it at an earlier point in the boot process not in autostart.
Yes it does run in terminal. I don’t think it needs root permissions because the original .desktop file was created by the Synology Cloud Station Drive process anyway.
Here’s the output from Konsole:
than you should add to Autostart>add script> then choose the script and uncheck create symlink (to be sure that the script will be moved to .config/autostart-scripts , and be always available at boot.)
After 90 seconds you should see CloudStation starting up.
Hope that works until someone is able to fix the real issue.
Hi all
My solution for this issue:
to download and install new version of synology-cloud-station-drive-4.2.2-4379.x86_64 and then delete .CloudStation folder from home directory and start over to connect.
After it works like suppose to.
That’s it.