Automount nvme disks at boot (kde)

Hi! I’m new on Opensuse TW and I installed it in my main pc today. Here I have 3 SSD Am2 (one for OS and the others for data).
at every boot I must mount the data hard disks and this is annoying to me.
I need that both disks are mounted at boot, and I’d like they’re still in the same mountpoint (in order to give the right path to my music player).
I am always a little uncomfortable to edit fstab…
Could you help me please??

PS. forgive my bad English, I am Italian

Either add entries to /etc/fstab with an editor, or use YaST > System > Partitioner (and then take care not to “format” them new).

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Hello Gaiden, allthough not an expert, i would use the partitioner module inside Yast.
Open it and inside edit the partition you want to automount, there is a field for automount.
Don’t format, and don’t change anything else, playing with data could be a dangerous game.

So i am from germany, someone else should consider whose english is more worse.

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thank you.
no chance with YAST2 but Kde partition manager did the job.
however I’d like to understand what he did and where

When you think that partition manager put something in /etc/fstab, then look into it:

cat /etc/fstab

And when you want to know waht is mounted at the moment:


Also can be seen with

lsblk -f
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