Automatically set shortcuts on new user's desktop on account creation

Hi all,

Pretty noob Linux user here, I’ve used it recreationally in the past but am now attempting to deploy an OpenSUSE LTSP server in my wife’s computer lab at her school. I’d really like to make it easy for her to give the kids instructions for the day via a text file/pdf located on the kid’s desktop. What I’d like to do since there’s 500 kids that she teaches is create a shared folder for each grade that she just drops the assignment instructions into. I’d like to avoid having to add a link manually in each user’s /home/*/desktop folder, so is there an easy way to do this?

In case the above isn’t clear…

  1. Create folder on teacher’s desktop that is set to share
  2. Create a link on each user’s desktop to enable them to access said folder
  3. Ideally, all new users will have a specific folder based on which usergroup they belong to (1st grade, 2nd grade, etc…)

Thanks in advance!

  1. Create a group for 1stgrad kids:
    groupadd grad1

  2. Create a directory in teacher’s /home for 1stgrad kids :
    mkdir /home/teacher/grad1

  3. Change group owner of this directory
    chgrp grad1 /home/teacher/grad1

kids member of group 1stgrad will have read/execute access to that directory.

  1. add each 1stgrad kidd to group grad1

for kid in Paul John Fred ; do
usermod -A grad1 $kid

  1. create a link on kids desktop

for kid in Paul John Fred ; do
ln -s /home/teacher/grad1 /home/$kid/Desktop/WhateverName

Or if you don’t know all the group members:

for kid in sed -n 's/grad1.*://p' /etc/group | tr "," " " ; do
ln -s /home/teacher/grad1 /home/$kid/Desktop/WhateverName

Although they are hundred ways do achieve that.