Yast Automatic Online Updates don’t seem to happen. If I install the KDE updater, that works fine, but setting Yast to do the automatic updates on a desktop/laptop never happens.
Are Automatic Online Updates like cron, where it only happens if the computer is on at some weird time of the day? Or, is it smart like anacron, which runs as soon as possible thereafter?
After about a week since I did my last manual update, I’ve got several updates listed as ‘available,’ but they’re not automatically updating. Does anyone know some other reason why Yast Automatic Online Updates don’t seem to happen?
No cron needed. No Yast Automatic Online Updates here. packagekit-background sends mail if updates are pending:
**erlangen:~ #** systemctl status packagekit-background.service
○ packagekit-background.service - Script to update the system with PackageKit
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/packagekit-background.service; static)
Active: inactive (dead) since Sat 2022-04-02 07:49:30 CEST; 2min 13s ago
TriggeredBy: **●** packagekit-background.timer
Process: 18214 ExecStart=/usr/local/PackageKit/packagekit-background.sh (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 18214 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 47ms
Apr 02 07:49:26 erlangen systemd[1]: Started Script to update the system with PackageKit.
Apr 02 07:49:30 erlangen systemd[1]: packagekit-background.service: Deactivated successfully.
**erlangen:~ #**
Betreff: System updates available: erlangen
Von: root <root@localhost>
An: karl@localhost
Datum: 02.04.22 07:49
Transaktion: Aktualisierungen werden abgerufen
Status: Warten in Warteschlange
Status: Starten
Status: Abfragen
Prozentsatz: 0
Status: Software-Liste wird aktualisiert
Prozentsatz: 20
Prozentsatz: 60
Prozentsatz: 100
Prozentsatz: 40
Prozentsatz: 80
Prozentsatz: 100
Status: Fertig
packagekit-background.service can be configured to apply updates automatically.