If it doesn’t work, then you have a different problem.
What does “sudo systemctl status display-manager.service” output when you boot with autofs enabled and the login screen fails to appear?
I just noticed this sentence in your first post though:
Moreover, if I display kernel instructions (with Escape while openSuse loads), the login screen appears.
This would suggest that your problem is actually related to plymouth, the boot splash.
Does it help if you disable that by adding “plymouth.enable=0” to the boot options?
uname -a
Linux 3.16.6-2-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 20 13:47:22 UTC 2014 (feb42ea) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Update your system. That kernel is old, the current 13.2 kernel is 3.16.7-53.
Maybe that will not help with your problem, but still a good idea.
But the 13.2 kernel definitely does not come with an “autofs” kernel module, not even the latest version.
It seems to be built in:
wolfi@amiga:~> uname -a
Linux amiga 3.16.7-53-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 2 13:19:28 UTC 2016 (7b4a1f9) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
wolfi@amiga:~> zgrep -i autofs /proc/config.gz
zypper se autofs
S | Name | Resume | Type
i | autofs | A Kernel-Based Automounter | package
| autofs | A Kernel-Based Automounter | source package
Well, this doesn’t tell which version from which repo.
Please use “zypper se -s autofs” for more details.
Btw, there have been several updates for autofs in 13.2 too.
Yes, but that would still cause a delay/timeout during boot if the share is not available I think.