I’d like the system to auto select a specific audio output device when it detects I plugged in or out a monitor. Then depending on whether the system recognizes that configuration (set of monitors plugged in), it will auto select the audio output device it used the last it was in that configuration.
In my case:
- 2 computer monitors plugged in => audio output device always set on computer speakers (computer sound card)
- 2 computer monitors + 1 TV plugged in => audio output device always set on HDMI (TV)
For now, every time I plug in or out my TV, I have to go in the Sound Setting panel and manually change the audio output device, which is not convenient and which brings me to the two following questions:
- How could I script what I am doing so far by clicking? There are a few things I don’t know how to do like 1) run a script on an event such as I described (monitor plugged in/out) and 2) change audio device output from a script
- Is there some system or software support for that kind of feature? On Windows, it was catalyst (ATI) which was handling sound output device per monitor set but catalyst for linux doesn’t do it. However, Gnome 3 supports auto screen resolution change when a monitor is added or removed…
I have not that much hope for point 2 so if you have help to provide for point 1, that’d be awesome.