When I play audio on my Linux distribution on my media player (VLC), the audio is a bit dodgy in a way, in which I can hear very disruptive types of buzzing going on in the audio, and I don’t believe this is supposed to happen. I’m using a Gateway M-152S (System Specs. listed here).
vlc is notorious for poor quality audio if one moves the vlc volume bar up to far (where too far is more than 25% or so !! ) . I keep my vlc volume bar down as low as practical and use my hardware volume control, or my mixer master volume of pcm volume to control the audio (when using vlc).
For nominal video play back I prefer smplayer or xine-ui.
I mainly use vlc for testing dvds (playing the video_ts directory) and for capturing some streaming media.
Ah, I understand. Thank you, I got this resolved.