Audio - No Sound

FIrst time I’ve ever had trouble with my audio on a linux distro.

I checked Yast>Hardware>Sound and it shows…
0 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller
1 RV635 Audio device [Radeon HD 3600 Series]

It looks like the Radeon HD 3600 is being used as the default instead of the actual audio card. When I right click the speaker icon in the task manager and choose Select Master Channel my only choices are the Radeon HD and the internal audio analog stereo. Also when I try to launch KMix it never opens.

I’ve followed the steps in this thread 3D Sound Blaster Pro - No Sound!.

Here are the various outputs from the console commands recommended in that thread.

The url from

rpm -qa | grep alsa

rpm -qa | grep pulse

rpm -q libasound2

uname -a #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-04-25 21:48:33 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound
No such file or directory

It looks like the Radeon HD 3600 is being used as the default instead of the actual audio card.

Why don’t you remove the Radeon-entry?

Just deleted the Radeon HD3600 entry using YaST>Hardware>Sound did a quick reboot but still have no sound.

Well, deleting the Radeon card is only half the rent you have to pay. You will have to configure your actual card after that, of course.

I tried configuring the card with YaST. Tried using automatic then normal but no luck. After reading some other posts I think I need to edit the etc/modprobe.d/50-sound.conf

You could see if there is an updated driver for your sound card.

I can see by the alsa-Version you are using, that you most likely have not done the obligatory systemwide update (which should be done right after the initial install). At least ALSA needs an update. Maybe that’ll solve your problem.

According to that your sound devices are in the correct order.

Your master sound is at 0% playback , muting your sound.

Apologies for not providing the detail. Unfortunately the forum software update is REALLY annoying me, and it will not let me post code like I used to in the past (it keeps messing up the code format).

So check your mixer.

Reference my quoted post (and my frustration with the Forum software update) … actually it was me messing up and the software update was good :slight_smile: … Unfortunately I had Javascript turned OFF and that makes the forum presentation rather ugly.

… anyway, this is the mixer presentation I wanted to show:

**Simple mixer control 'Master',0 **
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined penum
  Playback channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Mono: Playback 0 **[0%]** -46.50dB] [on]

Any way I can turn that simple mixer control master up from the console? KMix will not launch.

After the initial install I went into YaST and installed all the updates it had selected for me. I went to the alsa website and saw that 1.0.24 is the latest version.
If I can’t get anything else to work I’m going to try the steps in here SDB:Alsa-update to update alsa.

Thanks everyone for your help.

How about trying amixer ?

Note you can also list your sound cards with:

aplay -l

and you can check your mixer settings by typing


and you can learn about the mixer commands by typing

man amixer

So if I can be allowed to speculate (I am not an amixer expert - just the contrary (rank beginner with amixer)) you could try

amixer -c 0 sset Master playback 90%