but anyway, what do you guys recommend as a good compressed audio codec? i don’t have all the storage space in the world so i can’t really use lossless audio, but what codec would you guys recommend for optimum sound quality, currently i use mp3 and on songs i like i rip to 320kb/s, but i heard .ogg is better, is this true?
I can’t remember where I read it, otherwise I’d send you a link (it was a technical test though) but there is no audible difference between 320kb/s and 256kb/s. So my first advice is to use the lower bitrate and save HD space!
I have compared mp3 with ogg and personally i prefer the sound. There is just more detail than mp3. Having said that I’ve got a pretty good soundcard connected to a quality hi-fi. So you may not hear the difference I can and although ogg is ‘free’ and files tend to be smaller, you have the incompatibility issues with most personal mp3 players (check they can play ogg!!!)
So my advice is check you can use oggs on said players then do a back to back comparison to hear the difference yourself. Of course, if possible go with the non-proprietary free option
my old faithful iriver h140 plays aaaallllll the formats i need inc. obb. i will test ogg out then. and trust me, i can hear the differences i use shure se530’s with custom ear moulds
Nice earphones!! Good luck with the audition. I think you’ll be impressed with ogg. I wish I’d had the foresight in not buying the ipod…still it does look nice!!! Oh how I sold out