Audio CD ripping, notifications, and navigation

I am having trouble with audio CDs in both 12.3 and 13.1 on 3 different computers. The two 13.1 installs are from scratch and the 12.3 was reinstalled with the /home directory from a previous installation.

I was trying to rip a audio CD using K3b. From the KDE notification menu it opens K3b. I click on start ripping and get the pop up, and again click start ripping. At this point K3b crashes with “segmentation error”. I tried installing k3b debug-info, but the information doesn’t change.

In the KDE notifications the CD does not get a eject icon so it cannot be ejected like a DVD from the notifications menu, but I must click on the button on the computer drive to eject the Audio CD.

Also when I open an audio CD the location bar shows
If I click on Ogg Vorbis sub folder, for example, dolphin just spins away with a “loading folder” message in the bottom right corner. Then if I click the “go up” arrow for navigating up a level to go back I get the same “loading folder” message. The back button works fine.

In the notification menu it has a listing for “play CD with Amarok”, but this just has the white generic icon, not the Amarok icon and when click nothing happens. If I go into Amarok and Local Music, the CD is listed, but always shows zero tracks.

The users are both part of the cdrom group. I am using the Packman repository with all of the installs. The only thing that I can think that would be unusual in the installs is that they include the Japanese language packages. The main language is still English.

I have search, but seem to find anything about this issue. I’m not sure what further information is necessary. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Can’t answer all but

An Audio CD is not mounted as such so that is why you don’t have an eject function

Since it is not mounted you can’t browse it.

Have no idea why amorok is not working

You might try another rip program if you have installed the codecs for kb3 it will rip CDs any number of other programs also.

gogalthorp thanks for answering, but I think these are all related issues having something to do with either a missing dependency, a permissions problem, or an incorrect path. These are not unrelated in my opinion.

Additional Info / Correction: The CD will play with KsCD and I can navigate CDs, but sometimes they don’t seem to load. Found an interesting twist. When I put an english Cd into the drive and opened Amarok, the CD was there with all its songs, then ejected it, put in a Japanese CD, it now says that there are no tracks in the cd. The playlist shows the tracks from the previous cd, shows the lyrics from the previous cd, but plays the songs from the Japanese cd. Maybe they are two separate issues, one with K3b and another with Amarok.

Region settings maybe?? Have you installed all the multimedia codecs?

New User How To/FAQ (read only)

Audio cds don’t have region settings like dvd and all the codecs are installed. Did find a thread that discussed a problem with the Packman version of K3b and libdvdcss2. Have installed K3b from the KDE Extras repo and will give it a try tomorrow and see what happens.

On a different issue, it does seems strange the there is a software eject in Dolphin (right click the audio cd), but not in the KDE notifications (I thought it was there in previous versions).