audio cd and dvd playback error

I am having difficulty with playing back movie dvd’s and audio cd’s. I recieve this error from trying to playback X-Men3 in vlc.

Playback failure:
DVDRead could not open the disk “/dev/sr0”.
Your input can’t be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL ‘dvd:///dev/sr0’. Check the log for details.

I have libdvdcss and w32codec-all… mplayer, smplayer, vlc, xine, xine plugins…

I can explore the dvd in konqueror and the vob files are reconized as files to be played. However If i click to play nothing will open/happen.

Dvd playback worked in suse 11. So I am fresh ooout of ideas.

This is a known issue and there appears to be a bug report out on it too.

I’m not sure where it is all up to at the moment.

Permissios in /dev caused failure to play video dvd - openSUSE Forums

I have had the same problem for the past few days… After much searching this seems to have resolved the problem for me…

What is that rpm and how does it relate to the problem? and does it matter if I am using suse 11.1 x64?

Sorry, I like to make sure I have an idea of what I am installing first.:wink:

I had this problem too. The quickest temporary fix is to add users who need to be able to access the dvd writer/rom to the group ‘disk’, then logout and log back in.

I added my user to the “audio”, “disk” and “cdrom” groups, now I’m able to listen to audio cd.

Would it be safe to assume that if I wait a while that there will a update that will fix this so I do not have to modify anything?

I just don’t want to modify something on my system that is not necessary and then officially gets addressed later. If you know what I mean.:\

so I did the

added my user to the “audio”, “disk” and “cdrom” groups

And now it works… Thanks for the help guys.

Hopefully there will be an update that takes care of this. I don’t know how many people are comfortable dealing with User/Group management.

the link is for libdvdcss2 updated from packman. and no on 11.1 x64 should be no problem :slight_smile:

I can confirm this. Adding myself to those 3 groups has resolved VLC DVD playback issues… It’s really easy to manage those setting in YaST user and groups gui

This is being talked about (rather heatedly) in bug #408252 on bugzilla. The developers don’t recommend that you add ‘disk’ to your user.

While this does fix the problem, it isn’t a good practice. An updated version of hal is available here:

Index of /repositories/home://dkukawka/openSUSE_11.1

And the update should be available through YOU soon. Don’t forget to remove disk from your user after installing this update.


now we have April and there is still the problem with the DVD playback >:(.
I just tried to see a DVD on my Notebook (Opensuse 11.1, KDE4.2.2, 32 bit, Kernel Linux i686). It was not working (I checked different DVDs): no rights for dvd:///dev/sr0 (I used Kaffeine, KDE3 version and I also tried MPlayer)

I installed all multimedia packages from packman (libxine from libxine repository or VLC repository)

I added myself to the groups “disk”, “audio” and “cdrom”

I followed all multimedia guides.

But nothing was working :’(.

Does something has an additional idea?



You are opening with VLC like this?

Hello caf4926,

thanks for your fast answer!
I also tried VLC. I used the menu you have shown.
It causes:
“Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht geöffnet werden:
VLC kann die MRL ‘dvd:///dev/sr0’ nicht öffnen. Sehen Sie für Details im Fehlerprotokoll nach.”

english error message: “open of `dvd:///dev/sr0’ failed: could not create access: no access module matched “dvd””.




also an updated version of HAL from “Index of /repositories/home://dkukawka/openSUSE_11.1” did not help to solve this problem. Now I’am installing again the HAL from the opensuse update repository.



Do you have kde4-k9copy installed?
Does it work.

What about audio cd’s, some have have had trouble with these too? Can you rip them in k3b?

Hi caf4926,

I have also KDE4-K9copy installed. I will try it this evening.

Audio CDs do not make problems (also without adding myself to “audio”, “disc” and “cdrom”).
I was also able to burn a CD using K3b some days ago.



P.S.@caf4926: The lake district is really nice. I have been there in the late 80. for three weeks (school exchange).


Today, I didn’t had a “real movie DVD”. I had only a DVD (Solaris) which was part of a TV magazine. Here, K9Copy worked well and also Kaffeine was able to show the DVD.
I will try it out in the next days again with a bought movie DVD.



Now, I tried a “real DVD”:

Fight Club (Regional code 2): Kaffeine shows something like “Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht geöffnet werden:
VLC kann die MRL ‘dvd:///dev/sr0’ nicht öffnen.”

LOST (Regional code 2): Here, K9copy and kaffeine have the problem that they do not react (cpu usage up to 50%). No error message like described before.

Rene Marik “Autschn” (didn’t find a regional code): Works!

Solaris from TV magazine (didn’t find a regional code": Works!

Has my notebook problems with the regional code?
How can I see which regional code is adjusted? In case that it is not regional code 2, how can I change it?



P.S.: I will start also a new thread with this problem