I occasionally want to record audio. Sometimes I rip a CD. Sometimes I want to record something I hear on my pc. For example, I may be in a 90 minute Zoom meeting but don’t want to record the whole thing. I suppose if I use the record button in Zoom, I could strip out the 5 minutes I want to keep. If I rip one of my CDs, I want to convert to .mp3 all of which I formerly did with Audacity. Now that there is controversy with Audacity, I want to use something else. Clementine was not completely satisfactory. What other replacement do you recommend?
Also, I KNOW I shouldn’t mix issues, but gtkpod isn’t working with my ipod, to either record or delete audio files. It SAYS the new audio is on the ipod but there is no content in the files. Is there one app that would cover all of these requirements. BTW, I loaded iTunes into Windows and the iPod works as expected.
There’s quite a lot of suitable programs to record, rip a CD and encode mp3. Easiest for ripping might be K3B if you are on KDE. It relies on other programs as lame etc.
I just did a simple
zypper se record
which shows some desktop recorders as “recorditnow” or “recordmydesktop”. Not sure if they are any good.
Audacity/its replacement will record anything external and allow you to edit it and encode it; but you need something like vokoscreen to record sound from the computer itself and you might find pulseaudio useful for limiting the sound which vokoscreen picks up.
K3b will do all the ripping/writing you ever need.
Its a little clumsy,but I’ve recorded the screen as an mp3. It works. Also convert the video (mkv? or something) to mp3. Also gets the job done. I’m still looking into the other suggestions, thank you.
Audio Recorder, it has an option which source you want to record from.
There is an option to record the sound in different formats.
Very simple to use.
Yes it has a lot of features and as far as I know most of professional streamers use it. It’s probably not the easiest app to use but it definatelly works well and is well maintained. Bonus points for being opensource