Audacity update will replace ffmpeg4 with ffmpeg3 - lots of conflicts

The currently offered Audacity update will replace ffmpeg4 with ffmpeg3. This will cause the following conflicts:

File /usr/bin/aviocat
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/cws2fws
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffescape
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffeval
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffhash
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffmpeg
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffplay
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ffprobe
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/fourcc2pixfmt
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/graph2dot
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/ismindex
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/pktdumper
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/probetest
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/qt-faststart
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/seek_print
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/sidxindex
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/bin/trasher
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/ffmpeg/ffprobe.xsd
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-all.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-bitstream-filters.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-codecs.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-devices.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-filters.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-formats.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-protocols.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-resampler.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-scaler.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg-utils.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffplay-all.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffplay.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffprobe-all.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)

File /usr/share/man/man1/ffprobe.1.gz
from install of
ffmpeg-3-3.4.9-pm153.1.3.x86_64 (Packman Repository)
conflicts with file from package
ffmpeg-4-4.4-pm153.2.9.x86_64 (@System)
What will these changes do to other multimedia applications?

For the moment don’t accept the Audacity update and keep ffmpeg-4

Audacity 2.2.2-bp153.3.3.1 was built against ffmpeg-3 to “fix” this bug:

Unfortunately that introduced either “Nothing provides ffmpeg-3” if the Packman repo wasn’t available, or the file conflicts with ffmpeg-4 if it was.

There is a newer version of Audacity in progress.

Yes there seems to be huge problems with the updates for audacity, like this ::

  1. nothing provides ‘’ needed by the to be installed audacity-2.2.2-bp153.3.3.1.x86_64

Is there something I can do to fix this??


Is this really the same problem as mentioned above?

When not then it is not advisable to hang your new question at the end of some other thread. Nobody will e.g. see this new question in the list of titles of new threads and thus your question may go unnoticed. I assume that is not what you want.

When I use YaST to look at audacity, I see that the current version of audacity is 2.2.2-bp153.3.6.1, which is higher then waht you mention. Maybe your problem is already solved. Please check again and when you still are not saitisfied, then open a new thread with a good title and exact description on what you do and what you get.

The *nostl3_0_5 (wxWidgets Libraries) that Audacity now requires are in the SLE Updates repository:

You do have that enabled?

I assumed that because the 2.2.2-bp153.3.3.1 he mentions is also from the SLE Backports Update repo.

Yes… strange indeed.


It may help if you could show your repository list:

zypper lr -d

Back on the original issue, audacity version 2.2.2-bp153.3.6.1 (Build Time: Fri 04 Mar 2022 02:34:49 AM PST) fixes the ffmpeg3 problem.