Attempted upgrade to Gramps 5.2.2 from 5.1.6

I wanted to upgrade my Gramps (Genealogy Research Application) version from 5.1.6 to the current 5.2.2. using the Tumbleweed official release. The software installation went to conclusion successfully. However, Gramps did not start.

Maybe the cause of failure, was the fact that the installed gramps and gramps-lang show different version designations. Is that a feasible explanation? The YaST installation process proposed taking the language file from the ecsos repository giving final version designations

gramps 5.2.2-1.1
gramps-lang 5.2.2-lp156.1.1.

Installation of the main package from ecsos repo requires a package


that I can find nowhere

Download the src.rpm and build it by your own as User:
rpmbuild --rebuild xxxxx.src.rpm

I have build and installed:

After that, gramps will build also with the same warnings as in ecsos Repo.

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Thanks, Sauerland. :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you saying that even if I do the rebuild of the 3 packages, it will still not work?

I had installed the old Version, which is running.
The new one is not working.

I give up.

After Installation, there are too may errors with python.

And I am not a python programmer.

I downloaded


from ecsos repo but this failed with the error that

nothing provides 'python311-bsddb3 

(in spite of the python311 updates this morning)

Hello @hnimmo !

I recently opened a similar topic: Leap 15.6 (vorher 15.5): wie Gramps/gramps (Python) erfolgreich bauen (so dass es auch lauffähig ist)?. It’s in German, though.

Just recently, I upgraded from Leap 15.5 to Leap 15.6. On 15.5 I have used Gramps 5.1.6 directly from openSUSE repo. Now, I am on Leap 15.6. And I would like to update Gramps to 5.2.2, too. There is Gramps 5.2.2 directly available for Tumbleweed, but not for Leap. So, I am still with 5.1.6.

User @ecsos made the effort to set up a home OBS build of Gramps 5.2.2. I tried that one: I could install it if I add the /repositories/devel:/languages:/python:/backports repo (in order to resolve python3-bsddb3), but it didn’t run successfully on my system: it was throwing several Python errors like “expected 3 arguments, but only 2 arguments given”. N.B. you have to start Gramps with python3.11 /usr/bin/gramps — not just /usr/bin/gramps or python3 /usr/bin/gramps. (Reason: see soon.)

User @ecsos made some specific changes to the original Gramps. He personally modified File gramps.spec of Package gramps. Additionally he uses /repositories/home:/ecsos:/python for his specific build of Show home:ecsos / gramps. Well, with that repo, he has his “own” Python… In a personal message he told me, that this build of Gramps is running successfully on his system. He made the change on File gramps.spec of Package gramps because Gramps 5.2.2 now requires at least Python 3.8. But python3 of Leap refers to 3.6. With %define pythons python311 (line 21 of SPEC file) he forces to build with Python 3.11.

I tried to set up a branch of Show home:ecsos / gramps, but using /repositories/devel:/languages:/python:/backports instead of /repositories/home:/ecsos:/python to build on my home OBS (I recently deleted Gramps). It built without any errors but with lots of warnings. But when trying to run on my local system using /repositories/devel:/languages:/python:/backports instead of /repositories/home:/ecsos:/python (again…), it did not! With errors mentioned above.

Maybe, it’s worth really using /repositories/home:/ecsos:/python instead of /repositories/devel:/languages:/python:/backports (for building on OBS and running on local system), but I don’t want to screw my system and so I haven’t and I finally gave up.

What could be another solution, is using Install Gramps on Linux | Flathub (it’s the current version 5.2.2), if you don’t avoid FlatPak.

I have flatpak Gramps and version 5.2.2 run without problems after updating Leap fr 15.5 to 15.6. I don’t recall updating Gramps at the time

Sorry, typo in earlier post…

gramps-lang 5.2.2-lp156.1.2.

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