Two nights ago around midnight, I believe a user in the neighbourhood tried to break into my WLAN. It irritated the heck out of me.
It was on my wife’s PC (which is normally the only wireless PC in our apartment, as our laptop is mostly at my wife’s place of work) and around midnight I started a software update on her PC, just before my going to bed. Within a few minutes of the software update, the process stalled, and eventually timed out. I noted her browser also timed out at the same time, so I checked her wireless connection and saw it was down. I tried a bit to get it going via kdenetwork manager, then via YaST > Network devices, and when that failed I rebooted her PC and tried windows. The same problem. I rebooted by to Linux, same problem. … I messed around a bit more, rebooted another time, … and then I then went to our router and checked the router’s configuration (which was correct) and the router’s logs …
....... snipped .......
27.07.2008 23:58:11 sende ACK an
27.07.2008 23:57:43 sende ACK an
27.07.2008 23:57:41 sende OFFER an
27.07.2008 23:57:29 sende OFFER an
27.07.2008 23:56:21 sende ACK an
27.07.2008 23:56:18 sende OFFER an
27.07.2008 23:47:10 **SYN Flood to Host**, 41927->>, 1098 (von PPPoE1 - Eingang)
27.07.2008 23:46:55 DDNS> Vorgang abgeschlossen, DDNS IP=
27.07.2008 23:46:33 NTP Datum und Uhrzeit wurden aktualisiert.
I’m not a German speaker but this “SYN Floot to Host” suggests to me a denial of service attack on our WAN, in order for some user to try hack into our WPA encrypted LAN as they have increased the protocol exchange between the router and my wife’s PC.
Since it was midnight, I decided it was more important to get sleep than anything else, so I simply switched OFF the router, and went to bed. In the morning, the WLAN worked perfectly! (which makes me think the jerk who was trying to hack our WLAN went to bed).
I’ve changed our WLAN password, but the episode left me rather seething …