ATI Xpress 200m with suse11 and Catalyst 8.7

I have been working this problem for awhile. 11 was working ok, a few hiccups here and there so I thought I would install the new ATI drivers (8.7). Well, it screwed my system up. No it only boots into the terminal at runlevel 5 and it tells me that I have no xorg.conf file. I have tried to remove and reinstall the driver with no luck.

Any ideas?

Type “3” at the bootsplash & boot; boots to runlevel 3
login as root
do “sax2 -m 0=vesa” – loads the vesa driver; not real good, but will get you up & running
set it up & “test”

now go about getting the ATI driver fixed
Additional YaST Package Repositories - openSUSE
ATI - openSUSE

This might help out a lot of people with video driver troubles…

I did a reinstall of 11. But I still got the black screen.

I went to failsafe and logged in as root (type “su -”).

Then i loaded yast (type “yast”).

From there I did an online update for suse 11 including kde4. I then rebooted and went back to yast again. This time I added the ATI repository and did another update. then I rebooted.

Now here’s the important part
I tried to run kde4 and it was still black screen. So, i hit cntrl-alt-f1 and went to console.

Then I went to runlevel 3 (“init 3” as root).

Then i went into sax2 (“sax”). From there it managed to load the new ati drivers on its own and even loaded 3d accel. I then tested, saved, and rebooted.

Vola!!! I finally have kde4 back after 2 long weeks of troubleshooting. :slight_smile: