Has anybody tried 11.2 who is using one of the ati chipsets that are no longer supported by fglrx?
How is the performance of the free radeon driver?
I’d be really interested to hear from anyone using an xpress200M chipset (Dell Inspiron 1501 has this) who is using 11.2 with the free radeon driver - does 3d work?
Also, if i d/l the livecd, will I be able to test if 3d acceleration is working without installing?
Same problem here…
I’ve upgraded to 11.2 from 11.1. Having an ATI X1300, i’m not able to install the legacy driver from ATI since they don’t support newer kernels anymore.
So now I’m stuck with the open-source driver wich is quite improved lately. 3D support, enough to run Google Earth. My favorite game ‘PlaneShift’ does run, but is almost unplayable 'cause it’s very slow.
I know it’s a bummer that we can’t use Prop. ATI drivers, but i believe that the future brings more and more improvement in open-source driver so performance will be equal to the prop. driver.
Let’s hope, and in the meanwhile give the open-source driver a shot. If you’re not a gamer… then there should be no problem. Video playback runs very smooth here. Using phonon (KDE) as output driver, the system uses almost no resources.
Hope this some sort of anwser to your question.
Hi, yeah thanks.
My main issue is that the free Radeon driver doesn’t (or at least it didn’t when I tried it a few months back) support 3d acceleration specifically for xpress chipsets (DRI is disabled - its marked ‘experimental’ in xorg.log).
So, if I upgrade to 11.2 & I can’t use fglrx, the free driver isn’t much cop either (again, just on my specific chipset). I can get 2d acceleration, but no DRI.
On ubuntu, I have seen that you can get 3d acceleration on xpress chips using radeon, and I was wondering if anyone had it working on opensuse yet.
Did you try the livecd? did it run with dri enabled? I could then try the livecd & see if the radeon driver works before installing.