ATI driver installation then compiz trouble

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I installed openSuse 11.3 gnome 64bits edition 2 weeks ago and was pleased.
Yesterday I wanted to monitor my ATI 4850 temperature so I decided to install ATI official drivers, which turned to be a big mistake.

I ran this script found on this forum :

#! /bin/bash

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# What This script does the following :
# - unload fglrx if needed
# - make a copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if any)
# - download ATI Catalyst 10.9 for your architecture
# - deinstall the repo driver (x11-video-fglrxG02 ) if it was previously installed
# - run the ATI installer  
# as always ... yuou're using it at your own risk.
# $ Agnelo de la Crotche - 31.08.2010
# --------------------------------------------------------------

mach=`uname -m`

# define x86_64 and i686  installer

# don't run in X
[ "$DISPLAY" ] && exec echo "this script cannot be run in X"

# unload fglrx 
lsmod | grep -q fglrx && modprobe -r fglrx

# exit if fglrx is still loaded 
lsmod | grep -q fglrx && exec echo "fglrx is still loaded"

# save /etc/X11/xorg.conf (just in case)
[ -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf ] && cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.pta}

# make sure wget is installed
which wget > /dev/null 2>&1 || zypper in wget

# get the ATI installer for your architecture (i686 or x86_64)
wget ${!mach}

# look for the ATI installer in the current directory
ati_install=(`find . -name "ati-driver*$"`)

# cancel script if 0 or more than 1 installer found
if [ ${#ati_install[li]} -gt 1 ] ; then
[/li]	exec echo "several versions of the ATI installer found. Script aborted."
elif [ ${#ati_install[li]} -eq 0 ] ; then
[/li]	exec echo "no ATI installer found. Script aborted."

# let's doublecheck ! :-)
AtiInstall=`basename ${ati_install[0]}`
[ -f ./$AtiInstall ] || exec echo "no ATI installer found. Script aborted."

# uninstall x11-video-fglrxG02
rpm -qa | grep -q x11-video-fglrxG02 && zypper rm x11-video-fglrxG02

# run ATI installer if x11-video-fglrxG02 successfully removed
rpm -qa | grep -q x11-video-fglrxG02 || sh ./$AtiInstall

Once rebooted, I wanted to enable compiz effetcs, an error message said there was no driver detected, I was surprised but clicked to enable effects. No effects were enabled and worse, window borders disappeared. There is no more window manager.
I search on this forum, tried to boot in level 3, ran the script again. The problem remains.

However if I boot in level 3, then type ā€œstartxā€ I have window borders but scrolling is terribly slow, just as when there is no driver installed on Microsoft Windows.

I have some basic knowledge of Ubuntu, but I was clumsy with openSuse. So here are my questions :

  1. how come compiz is not supported when official drivers are installed ? on Ubuntu itā€™s the opposite, compiz requires proprietary drivers
  2. how can I fix this mess ? I tried to reinstall Xorg but I fear to worsen everything

Any help is welcome

I canā€™t edit my post (maybe Iā€™m blind). I wanted to add that in normal boot I donā€™t even have the sound drivers loaded, which is weird because I didnā€™t make a change about alsa/pulseaudio or whatever.

Here all explained:

SDB:ATI drivers - openSUSE


I followed this tutorial and it helped a bit.
Now I have sound and compiz seems to be enabled. However windowsā€™ borders are still not here, and my computer became totally jerky. I can hardly move the mouse pointer, there is a 2 second delay.

When I looked for CPU usage, I saw that Xorg was taking 30% CPU.

I gave up making work ATI official drivers.
I removed the fglrx troublemaker, but I could not fix the Xorg server. I read on the forum that ā€˜sax2ā€™ could fix problems, but sax2 is not available anymore.

Can someone please tell me how I could just reinstall the free drivers and X11 ? Iā€™m really stuck.

Did you tried to install and test the newly Kernel 2.6.36 (just released a week ago!) it appears add new support to more recent Graphic Cards:

PS: On my notebook is notable the great perfomance and graphic card evolution!

Or try it:

SDB:Configuring graphics cards - openSUSE

if it is not working thereā€™s some post related to you issue:

and on google:

Good Luck!

Thanks again for your answer,

Did you tried to install and test the newly Kernel 2.6.36 (just released a week ago!) it appears add new support to more recent Graphic Cards:

I already have trouble to install the radeon drivers, so I donā€™t think it would be a good idea to compile a new kernel.

Or try it:
SDB:Configuring graphics cards - openSUSE

I followed this guide

****1st thing to try (nomodeset) ****:
when I launched startx I had this error
/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc: line 51: exec: X: not found

2nd thing to try (failsafe/safe-settings boot)

3rd thing to try (use installation config file
I donā€™t have any xorg.conf.install file

4th thing to try (edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory)
I wrote Driver ā€œradeonā€, but I had again this error :
/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc: line 51: exec: X: not found

5th thing to try (Xorg -configure creation of a legacy xorg.conf file)
once again : /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc: line 51: exec: X: not found

6th thing to try (proprietary graphic driver)
I ran the script to install the ATI drivers, the first time I could launch Xorg, but this time I have this error again : etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc: line 51: exec: X: not found

7th thing to try (experts only - udev edits)
Iā€™d better not touch this thing

I have a problem with this xserverrc thing, and google didnā€™t help me.
Here are the drivers currently installed on my computer :


Do you have any idea ?

Try open with gedit:

gedit /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc

Keep trying, search at forum who have your G. Card and send a mp!
Good Luck